Anantarupa Das from WhatsApp:
Hare Krsna Maharaja
Please accept my humble obeisances. All glories to Srila Prabhupada. Thank you for your message. Yes I am back. And Yes all of us are anxiously waiting to see you in 12 days. I am busy helping devotees with our first solo Yatra. Kamalanand pr. had suggested that we are big enough now to do our own Yatra than be part of parade.
The devotees took up on the idea and all of us are hoping that with mercy from you and Deities we will be able to do it successfully.
Please advertise it on your blog and implore everyone who is going to come and see you in Boise to come during Ratha Yatra the weekend of June 4-5. It is on 5th from 12 to 4pm. And have them contact Sriman Nitisara Das, 503 307-8268, ASAP so we can plan for accommodations Prasadam etc.
Looking forward to your darshan and association
Anantarupa das
HpSwami-ASA -- We hope many devotees come. 🐘🐘🐘
Hire professional cinematographer for Snana yatra and Rathayatra?