M. Guru-bhakti Devi Dasi texted:
"Hare Krishna Maharaja & obeisances!
The dates you mentioned are open & I'm blocking them for you."
HpS - ASA -- AGTSP... paoho.... Thank you so much.
We talked with Sananga Th. D. again about the general Sankirtan program we really hope to develop during this visit, and then he suggested that we certainly talk with your good selves, co-ordinating super successful event.
We arrive 21st June and leave for Madrid 20th July.
We are fixing that Mr. Pablo Rivasplata will also be with us during that time from Peru.
He is the Director of Photography for the movies we are doing.
[The first one is 99.999% finished and very good.]
He is totally profession person, trained in Hollywood, worked for 15-years in Minnesota, director of photography for best television channel in Peru and stayed with us in our Peru Ashrama for several weeks to shoot there.
With him we will be editing work we are shooting now in the USA, and very excellent material from Peru.
During this month we hope to shoot a lot more stuff about the people, history, festivals and buildings in NMD: Temple, Restaurant, Farm, School... !
We will use part of that for our current movie but... ... we were thnking that we can do maybe three more videos about NMD of television broadcast size. Let us say 24" each.
What do you think?
The work would be first class quality.
Other thing that we can do is offer "Beginners to Masters Class in Sankirtan Cinema Production".
Of course, Sriman Pablo can do direct training one weekend and say two weeks later the students could come back with projects they have done.
We might have Yadubara Prabhu on line etc.
It might become an annual event for NMD.
Could screen movies every night(?). We have ours and then others may have theirs.
Fees, limited registrations?
So, that is a summary of our thoughts.
S A N K I R T A N !
Perspective from you all? The Sarva???
🌴 🌴🦆🌴