Pranam Prayers for HpS, (2)



Continuing the discussion from, DSD gives translation and some logic.

"Hare krishna Gurudev. Dandavat pranam unto your lovely feet. AGTSP, GURUDEV AND GOURANGA. 1st praying implies we bow down under our gurudev's lotus feet, our gurudev is so kind to distribute the spiritual knowledge in foreign country in this kaliyuge means present age. OR Our Gurudev is so kind to distribute the Prabhupadas spiritual instruction or teaching throughout the entire world in this kaliyuge means present age. Simply to say, GURUDEV we feel pleasure and egoless bowing down to your kind feet and praying as said. So to have one common and uniform pray, i requested to choice one out of the two. Dandavat pranam unto your lovely feet Gurudev. Forgive me if find any mistake."

HpSwami - We feel very deeply like one of Srila Prabhupada's "America" Sannyasis.

We are doing our job in an emergency situation, and any illumination of us should be minimal, like the standard pranam mantra in ISKCON or informal.

Such things done in our presence like trying to wash our feet make us feel from uncomfortable to completely panicked eg. run away and hide for one year.

What do you think?

Can post comments in Blog?

Thank you.
