Pranam prayers for HpSwami

Whatsapp, Sriman Divya-svarupa Das et al:

"Hare krishna. Dandavat pranam unto your lovely feet Gurudev. We , your devotee belongs to imphal and silchar, do pray to your lotus feet, using the following..

Namo om Vishnu padaye krishna prasthayo bhutale srimate Hanumat presak swamy niti namine, namaste Hanumat presak swamy, namo attyanto dayaluye, kaliyuge pachyatta deshe, Gandharva bidya pradayene. Or. Namo om Vishnu padaye krishna prasthayo bhutale, srimate Hanumat presak swamy nitti namine, namaste Hanumat presak swamy, namo attyanto dayaluye, kaliyuge pashyatta deshe, prabhupadas losatbani pracharaniya tayatte. Gurudev, kindly clearify, which one of the above two prayer is your choice. Dandavat pranam unto your lovely feet. Hare krishna."

HpS - We do not feel qualified to have any specific prayers glorifying us in Sanskrita. The basic prayer that is offered to Prabhupada and Srila Bh. Siddhanta seems to be more than enough.

What is the English translation of the prayers?

Who write them?

What evidence do they offer to justify them.



