ORCHID FMP-PC // Obeisances, greetings, proposal and a little more from Santiago de Chile, the last place in the world...

3 years, 2 months ago by Carlos Rold in Hot Topics, Other

Hare Krishna dear and respected Maharaja


I hope you are in good health or as best as possible. I read on the blog that a few weeks ago you had a stomach ache and something in your eyelids. I haven't heard or read about your allergy for several weeks, so I hope you are feeling better about it. I suffer allergy so I can understand what it is.

I want to write to you about different matters, so to make reading a little more bearable, I've decided to write different letters to you, each one focused on a specific issue.

In this letter I want to tell you about Saint Eulalia and my desire to travel to visit you and the devotees during February at the New Asoka-van ashram. I also want to tell you about an idea that I've got and that I'm very enthusiastic about it and that I wish to be able to carry out, as long as I can count on your permission and your blessings, Maharaja.

I've read some reports and also what you write on the Monkey Warrior blog and it´s exciting to imagine the activity and all the services that are being carried out in Santa Eulalia and the entire process of filming the movie "The Diary of a Traveling Creature". I think is fascinating and the reports they have published on the blog are very good, very explanatory, well detailed and synthetic.

The plan I have in mind today is to be able to spend all of February in New Asoka-van with you and the devotees, doing any service you need. And what I most want to do while i'm there is working on the production of 2 books that I want to publish: I've thought and felt strongly and for quite some time that I would very much like to write a book for you, which is written by me but under your instructions and supervision, and that it is published under Your authorship, is the work format known in literature as "ghostwriter": I write it under your full direction, you review, approve and the book is published with your name as the author. A basic working format may be that you simply dictate to me and I write, or I record and then transcribe, always based upon your ideas and thoughts and feelings and words, your direct message or whatever you want to share; Another format could be that you send or give to me some of your manuscripts so I can order and transcribe them and shaping the book step by step, or another way could be that you want to publish a book based on your classes available on the ASA channel on Youtube and/or on the letters from the Monkey Warrior blog; or even only you speaking focused on this idea to a new way of life for the human being conected with the nature, the sacred, the spirituality life... the simple life living from what the land that we cultivate gives us and the elevated thinking towards the sacred... for example.

The other book that I want to write and publish would be based on conversations between you and me and other devotees you want to invite to participate (conversations that of course I've got to prepare and also brace myself). Titles usually placed at the end, but to give a general idea of ​​this book I've thought of titles such as: "Conversations with a Vaishnava" or "Dialogues with a Vaishnava"; I really like the word "Vaishnava", so I think it would be very nice if this word appears in the title. This book is to be published under my authorship (but also written under your full direction, your review and your approval before publish). So if you agree with this project, we could schedule some of the days during my stay there in Santa Eulalia to hold these dialogues or conversations, I also want and can make audiovisual recording with mobile phone (very good cam integrated and probably recording with 2 nice phones) and later edit on my own some videos that we can also use for promoting the film.

I think around 4 weeks approx. of focus work (as far as possible) there in Santa Eulalia will be enough to gather all the material which one I will continue working on until I achieve the refined texts to publish (the texts of both books). All production costs involved will be borne by me and we can also receive support in whatever form may eventually arise. I will also ask and request Abhirama Thakur Das for his layout, design, editing and printing professional services.

I know you are very very busy, so I can understand perfectly if you decide that is not possible to do this books project, and I ask you apologize beforehand, it's just an intent to do something good for you and Srila Prabhupada through something that I know and love to do: writing.

In the following letter that I will write to you during this weekend or next week I will tell you:

- summary about my activities during this year, personal life, sadhana, etc.

-a brief report about ASA's activity on instagram and facebook where we publish information about your activities, under the supervision and help of your chilean disciple Arjuna Das and your argentine disciple Jahnava Devi Dasi.

-about 2 devotional visual art projects that I'm directing together with one of my sisters (Viviana Rold - Vrinda Devi Dasi) and who is (and all her family) disciples of Sankarshan Das Adhikari and his wife.

- report on the tribute book for Rodrigo Hernández Piceros.

To finish this letter I want to share with you a phrase that I read recently in the book "Modern Man in Search of a Soul (complexes and the unconscious)" by Carl G. Jung. In his epilogue Jung writes: "I'm convinced that the scientific study of the soul is the science of the future"; So little by little I am understanding why You and Srila Prabhupada appreciate Jung so much. For me he is a fascinating character and I think he probably is one of the greats of the 20th century; of course the greatest of the 20th century is Srila Prabhupada, indisputably, irrefutably.

Thank you very much Maharaja for all that you do for us and for allowing me to be able to somehow receive your mercy and your loving kindness.

All glories to Srila Prabhupada!

Hare Krishna!

Your aspiring servant,

Carlos Rold

HpS - ASA -- 😕 AgtSP. Paoho. I think that the best thing would be to try and do something by internet to start with. The book that we wanted to do first was Tava Pache Pache. We dictated it a little each day after Mangala arati and it has taken almost 10-years to transcribe, edit and format.

I don't think I have anything special to dictate that we are not already doing.

Pancha tattva or others can take dictation and type.

How can we relate these efforts to the production of the movie and not distract limited resources from the project?

How are your Bhoga offers to your Deities???