All glories to Srila Prabhupada
All glories to Sri Guru and Gauranga:
Please accept my humble obeisances dear Gurudev, I wish you a happy Damodara month.
I wanted to ask you if you are doing any treatment for your tired eyes? Have you tried placing cucumber slices or aloe vera leaves cut in half and without thorns, placed on the closed eyelids?
HpS - The best treatment is to look at Radha Mandana bihari and not to work hard. Then they are fine.
Thank you for your blessings to be able to sing the rounds, it really is magic. I have not chanted the rounds for a long time and now I sing every morning, I am amazed by the blessings of the spiritual master.
HpS - ASA - AgtSP!!!!!
In this month of November we are going to visit the devotee who has the deities of Jaganatha, Baladeva and Subhadra to see if he can lend them to us for the Ratha Yatra, I think there will be no problems.
I am writing to you on November 5 at 1:49 in the morning, I will sing a few rounds and then you rested a bit, I have finished digging the wallipini. I am growing cherry tomatoes, butter lettuce, round tomatoes, bell peppers, peas and soon I will plant other vegetables.
With Radha JPJ and Gopal we are offering our wicks to Damodara every day, in the morning and in the afternoon.
It is a shame that we cannot go to see it, but it is sure that it is in our hearts.
I am very happy that I am in Peru with the devotees there, they have a good heart.
You asked me about my relationship with the neighbors, I have a relationship of respect and cordiality, they are generally good people.
I don't have much news to tell, dear Gurudev, I have a fairly routine life. Now I am building the house bathroom that has no roof and no door, you can see the stars while taking a bath😄
With no further news to report, my best feelings for you,
Please forgive any offense committed in this letter inadvertently.
Your would-be servant: Bhakta Franco
HpS - So, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, ..... so, so, so, ............... nice to hear from you.
asa[e] - Rathayatra
You news is very, very enlivening. Srila Prabhupada gave so much emphasis on Rathayatra.
Our God sister, Keli-lalita Devi Das, saw a poster advertising Rathayatra in San Francisco n Golden Gate Park. She went with her husband and it was attractive: Beautiful carts, Jagannatha, dramas, many nice booths, Prasdam and a devotee sold here a book.
She said that she took it home, read a little bit and put it in here bookshelf and probably would have never read it again.
The next day or so she was driving from San Francisco to Santa Cruz in the mountains in her Volkswagon Beetle with her husband as passenger.
The steering wheel came off!
Car crashed and she was tossed out.
Car caught on fire and her clothes caught on fire with the broken gas tank.
Her husband was inside and partially unconscious. She tried to pull him out but the flames became to intense and so the last thing she remembered was her husband screaming as he burned to death.
She woke up in the hospital some days later and the first thing she was conscious of was the smell of cooked meat. Then she realized who was the cooked meat, her own body, and the first thought that went though her mind was, Lord Krsna, if I think I am this body I am going to go mad.
Her face and body were seriously scared. Not enough to frighten children but remarkably. She went to the Temple.
They didn't look at her from a bodily point of vew.
She moved in. Distributed hundreds of books. Collected and donated more money than what it had cost to organize the whole Rathayatra.
So.... good luck with your Rathaytra. If you and Krsna make even one devotee it can be complete financial and Sankirtan, book distribution success.
Todas las glorias a Srila Prabhupada
Todas las glorias a Sri Guru y Gauranga:
Acepte mis humildes reverencias querido Gurudev, le deseo un feliz mes de Damodara.
Le quería preguntar si está haciendo algún tratamiento para el cansancio de sus ojos?
ha probado colocarse rodajas de pepinos u hojas de aloe vera cortadas por la mitad y sin espinas, puestas sobre los párpados cerrados?
Gracias por sus bendiciones para poder cantar las rondas, realmente es magia. Estuve mucho tiempo sin cantar las rondas y ahora canto todas las mañanas, me sorprende las bendiciones del maestro espiritual.
En este mes de noviembre vamos a visitar al devoto que tiene las deidades de Jaganatha, Baladeva y Subhadra para ver si nos las puede prestar para el Ratha Yatra, creo que no habrá problemas.
Le estoy escribiendo el día 5 de noviembre a la 1:49 de la mañana, cantare unas rondas y luego descansaste un poco, ya terminé de cavar el wallipini. Estoy cultivando tomate cherry, lechuga de manteca, tomate redondo, morrón , arverja y próximamente plantaré otras hortalizas.
Con Radha JPJ y Gopal estamos ofreciendo nuestras mechitas a Damodara todos los días, por la mañana y por la tarde.
Es una pena que no podamos ir a Verlo , pero es seguro que está en nuestros corazones.
Estoy muy feliz que esté en Perú con los devotos de ahí, tienen un corazón bueno.
Usted me preguntaba mi relación con los vecinos, tengo una relación de respeto y cordialidad, son buena gente en términos generales.
No tengo muchas novedades para contar querido Gurudev, tengo una vida bastante rutinaria. Ahora estoy construyendo el baño de casa que no tiene techo ni puerta, puede ver las estrellas mientras se baña😄
Sin más novedades que reportar, mis mejores sentimientos para Usted,
Perdone por favor cualquier ofensa cometida en esta carta sin querer.
Su aspirante a sirviente:
Bhakta Franco