Hare Krishna Gurudeva,
pamho, AgtSP!!!
This is a letter from Denupal Das from Argentina, he was having problems to log in the blog.
Haré Krishna, queridos devotos y devotas, reverencias TLGASP.
Queríamos agradecerle a todos los que participaron en el encuentro del Día Yoga 2021. El 20 y 21 de junio.
Debido a esto las autoridades de la Municipalidad y de Cultura, nos felicitaron y nos invitaron a que organizamos un Congreso " Desarrollo Social Sostenido" en la Universidad. Debido a esto podemos decir que en septiembre del 6 al 10; organizaremos este Congreso, junto a SS Hanumat Presaka Swami, Hridayananda das Goswami, Bhakti Sundar Goswami, Bhakti Marga Swami, Krishna Shetra Swami y otros Gurús a confirmar.
Dado la conformidad del evento, también se darán en el mismo diferentes conferencias por distintos devotos que convocamos.
La organización, diseño, logística se hace desde plataforma Zoom.
Están invitados a este Congreso, y si desean aportar más información o participar comunicarse con la organización
Va haber un link específico para anotarse con anticipación, tambien certificados otorgados por la Universidad
Aqui dejo un link a cuadro conceptual, donde se pueden ver los principales temas a tratar:
Dejo aca mi numero de whatsapp para quien este interesado y quiera entrar en contacto: +54 9 343 4587987
A su servicio Dhenupal das y Krishna Priya
Hare Krishna Gurudeva,
pamho, AgtSP !!!
This is a letter from Denupal Das from Argentina, he was having problems to log in the blog:
"Hare Krishna, dear devotees and devotees, obeisances TLGASP.
We wanted to thank everyone who participated in the 2021 Yoga Day meeting. On June 20 and 21.
Due to this, the authorities of the Municipality and Culture, congratulated us and invited us to organize a Congress "Sustainable Social Development" at the University. Due to this we can say that in September from 6 to 10; We will organize this Congress, together with
- HH Hanumat Presaka Swami,
- Hridayananda das Goswami,
- Bhakti Sundar Goswami,
- Bhakti Marga Swami,
- Krishna Shetra Swami and
- other Gurus to be confirmed.
Given the conformity of the event, different conferences will also be given in it by different devotees that we convene.
The organization, design, logistics is done from the Zoom platform.
You are invited to this Congress, and if you wish to provide more information or participate, contact the organization
There will be a specific link to sign up in advance, also certificates awarded by the University
Here is a link to the conceptual chart, where you can see the main topics to be discussed:
I leave here my Whatsapp number for those who are interested and want to get in touch: +54 9 343 4587987
At your service Dhenupal das and Krishna Priya
HpS - ASA --- September 6th - 10th. Sounds like we can participate. Only Sustainable Social Development for people general in the Kali yuga is Daivi Varna Ashrama Dharma, no? Bhagavata Dharma for devotees?
SB 1.9 Two purports where Srila Prabhupada describes the content of Bhisma Deva's instructions on DVAD to M. Yuddhisthira!