Solo quiero la asociación de los Vaisnavas/I just want the association of Vaisnavas

Hare Krishna beloved Gurudev,

Please accept my humble obeisances,

All Glories to Srila Prabhupada!!

Always Happy Goura Purnima!!

The tittle of the letter was Nanda Raja's goodbye audio message to his godbrothers. Great example and inspiration!!

Thank you and Prahlad Nrisimha for this Blog!! An oasis in the Kali-yuga.

The most interesting people I ever met are Iskcon devotees.

Went through a big challenge which changed the perspective of my service. Made me think about my motivations for Seva. I was successful thanks to good association. Good advice.

I find myself doing less, pondering more.

During november 2020, I was attending Mangala Aratik everyday, I became proud, then I fell down and couldn´t attend for like two months. Now I´m struggling for going four days a week.

Japa is unstable, we chant our 16 rounds/day, but it has not become our first priority yet. We feel like fools because of that. Our intelligence understands that, but the mind sometimes wins, Maya.

4p unstable, trying to survive and strive in a broken economy like Argentina´s, made us found cryptocurrency, which we think is the evolution of finance. But we became to much speculative, forgetting isavasyam culture. We imagine we can become rich, so we can push our Gurukula project and build a temple for Krishna.

Current main service is 16R,4P, 4 days MA, take care of family´s material, psychological and spiritual needs, and networking for Gurukula Project (we are in contact with Dhenupal Prabhu and his team).

Since you asked for our opinion, we would like you to come to Argentina instead of Peru (spring/summer weather is nice). We already have 10 acres of land with chance of buying more. There is a 50k student university 30 min away. You can have a good internet connection. Travelling to Argentina now is very cheap for every other country.

We can invite Oscar Natars. Your base here will boost our existing New Govardhan Project. We can develop a Manual (with your guidance) on keys to success in developing these communities. You can be very well taken care of by your good disciples PancaTattva and Adi Yajña Prabhus.

Thank you Gurudev, for your living example.

I think I have so much memories about yourself to fill my entire existence in the current burro. Vapu/Vani.

Always aspiring to become your disciple,

A little less passionate fool,

Nikunja Bihari das.

HpS - We make success at level 5 and then find that the basis of that success at the deeper level, level 4 has changed and we have no motivation. Just as you describe. We didn't even know about the deeper levels of our senses and mind and intellect.

We learn to satisfy the body with butter rather than meat, but then we learn that the mind has reasons why it wants meat...

Nehabikramo naso sti.... all this progress is made with the ultimate light house in mind. To please Krsna. It is eternal.

Dog does not even know that he is trying to satisfy his senses. He is completely absorbed in the sense OBJECTS. May even tear his mouth and face to put be absorbed in the experience of his food.

PERU HAS THE ADVANTAGE that is in middle geographicaly of the North South division.







Let us see Krsna's indication.

Thank you so much for your letters. Sincere evaluation of your position. I cannot image how many other people are benefiting from your comments.

Yajnanam japa yajno 'smi. In BG 10, Krsna says, that amongst sacrifices I am Japa. So much easier to do other services, fun services, but Japa is hard work, but the result is super!

Make my day (week (month (year (life)))) :>>


Hare Krishna amado Gurudev,

Por favor Acepta nuestras humildes reverencias,

¡¡Todas las glorias a Srila Prabhupada !!

¡¡Siempre feliz Goura Purnima !!

El título de la carta es el mensaje de audio de despedida de Nanda Raja a sus hermanos espirituales. Gran ejemplo e inspiración !!

¡¡Gracias a usted y Prahlad Nrisimha por este blog !! Un oasis en el kali yuga.

Las personas más interesantes que he conocido son los devotos de iskcon.

Pasé por un gran desafío que cambió la perspectiva de mi servicio. Me hizo pensar en mis motivaciones para el seva. Tuve éxito gracias a una buena asociación. Buen consejo.

Me encuentro haciendo menos, reflexionando más.

Durante noviembre de 2020, asistí a Mangala Aratik todos los días, me sentí orgulloso, luego me caí y no pude asistir durante dos meses. Ahora estoy luchando por ir cuatro días a la semana.

Japa es inestable, cantamos nuestras 16 rondas / día, pero aún no se ha convertido en nuestra primera prioridad. Nos sentimos tontos por eso. Nuestra inteligencia entiende eso, pero la mente a veces gana, Maya. 4p inestable, tratar de sobrevivir y luchar en una economía rota como la de Argentina, nos hizo encontrar la criptomoneda, que creemos que es la evolución de las finanzas. Pero nos volvimos demasiado especulativos, olvidando la cultura isavasyam. Imaginamos que podemos volvernos ricos, para que podamos impulsar nuestro proyecto Gurukula y construir un templo para Krishna.

El servicio principal actual es 16R4P, 4 días de MA, ocuparse de las necesidades materiales, psicológicas y espirituales de la familia, y de la creación de redes para el Proyecto Gurukula (estamos en contacto con Dhenupal Prabhu y su equipo).

Ya que solicitó nuestra opinión, nos gustaría que viniera a Argentina en lugar de Perú (el clima de primavera / verano es agradable). Ya tenemos 10 acres de terreno con posibilidad de comprar más. Hay una universidad de 50k estudiantes a 30 minutos. Puede tener una buena conexión a Internet. Viajar a Argentina ahora es muy barato para todos los demás países. Podemos invitar a Oscar Natars. Su base aquí impulsará nuestro Proyecto Nueva Govardhan existente. Podemos desarrollar un manual (con su orientación) sobre las claves del éxito en el desarrollo de estas comunidades. Sus buenos discípulos PancaTattva y Adi Yajña Prabhus pueden cuidar muy bien de usted.

Gracias Gurudev, por ser un ejemplo viviente.

Creo que tengo tantos recuerdos suyos para llenar toda mi existencia en el burro actual. Vapu / Vani.

Siempre aspirando a ser su discípulo,

Un tonto, un poco menos apasionado,

 Nikunja Bihari das.