Nanda Raja Prabhu-Back to Godhead

Hare Krsna



All glories to you Guru dev

All glories to Prabhu Nanda Raja

Here I send to you the photo of Nanda Raja Prabhu, thank you Guru dev and devotees for your blessings and prayers for Prabhu Nanda Raja.

yes Guru dev you can send me the audio either by Wha S up or mail and I will send it to Nanda Raja.

Thank you very much

your servant Ambarisa das

Hare Krsna 


Todas las glorias a usted Guru Dev

Todas Las Glorias a Prabhu Nanda Raja

Aqui le envio la foto de Nanda Raja Prabhu, gracias Guru dev y devotos por sus bendiciones y oraciones para Prabhu Nanda Raja.

Si Guru dev puede enviarme el audio sea por WhaS up o mail y se lo hare llegar a Nanda Raja 

Muchas Gracias

su sirviente Ambarisa Das

HpS/ASA - AGtSP. We sent the audio clip. I don't think we should "pray for" Nanda Raja Das. I think we should chant for him, so he can hear us! On the mental (and spiritual platform). Are we correct!

2.36PM --- one sincere round in front of NRD picture --- 2.43PM

Everyone else do the same?!! 🐏