Que es misericordia 2

4 years, 2 months ago by Cruz Santa in Personal Sadhana Reports, Special Category A

Hare Krsna Gurudeva

Por favor acepte mis rendidas reverencias.

Todas las Glorias a Srila Prabhupada, quien es una manifestación personificada de la misericordia de Sri Krsna.

Y todas las Glorias a usted, su fiel seguidor.

Oramos para que su salud se encuentre bien. ¿Cómo es el invierno en su localidad? ¿Le permite continuar con sus caminatas regulares?

Yo me encuentro sufriendo a causa de mi propia estupidez, estoy tratando de aprender de eso.

Sigo tratando de entender un poco sobre la misericordia: La iglesia católica menciona “7 obras espirituales de misericordia”: Enseñar al que no sabe, corregir al que se equivoca, Dar un buen consejo al que lo necesita, Perdonar injurias, Consolar al triste, Sufrir con paciencia los defectos del prójimo, Orar por los vivos y los muertos...

Mientras leo y escribo esto, pienso en múltiples ejemplos de Srila Prabhupada, de Usted y otros fieles seguidores de Prabhupada practicando cada uno de estas "obras"… ¡Si los devotos no poseyeran esta cualidad, con seguridad estaríamos perdidos!  Entonces, parece ser que de cierta forma, ¿Todos los seguidores de Srila Prabhupada deberíamos desarrollar esta cualidad?

Cuando leí por primera vez el Bhagavad-Gita, hubo un verso que me dio mucho miedo:

“A aquellos que son envidiosos y malvados, que son los hombres más bajos de todos, Yo los lanzo perpetuamente al océano de la existencia material, en varias especies de vida demoníaca” BG 16.19

Me asustó porque pensé - Entonces ¿Nunca tendré la oportunidad de salir de este pantano? – Pensé que estaba perpetuamente condenada - ... Ahora, poco a poco parece que estoy entendiendo (a profundidad) que SOLO la misericordia del Maestro espiritual – y de los Vaisnavas- puede salvarme.

"Sin la misericordia del maestro espiritual uno no puede hacer ningún avance"

Por ahora, solo me queda rezar para obtener la misericordia de aquellos a quienes he lastimado. Ahora puedo ver que mis errores me han lastimado más a mí misma, que a las personas contra quienes los cometí… (Me siento avergonzada y arrepentida de eso) Así que creo, que debido a que soy muy tonta, solo esa cualidad de los Vaisnavas (La misericordia) puede salvarme. He cometido y sigo cometiendo muchos errores, pero estoy tratando de aprender de ellos, porque no quiero abusar de vosotros. 


Gurudeva, usted me otorga su misericordia constantemente de distintas formas, Por favor, perdóneme por no ser capaz de aprovecharla. Estoy tratando de aprender desde mi limitada posición. Gracias por ser un ejemplo e inspiración constante.

Su aspirante a sirviente

Karuna- Sakti DD


Posdata: Gurudeva, ¿Existe alguna categoría en el blog, en la que deberíamos colocar las ofrendas de Vyasa Puja? (Quizá eso le facilite identificarlas de las cartas regulares)


Hare Krsna Gurudeva. Please accept my bowed obeisances.

All Glories to Srila Prabhupada, who is a personified manifestation of Sri Krsna's mercy.

And all glories to you, your faithful follower.

We pray that your health is fine. What is winter like in your area? Do you allow him to continue his regular walks?

HpS - For our age we are in the top 15% of good health, but teeth, eyes, ears, memory are all dimishing. That is good. Pushes us on to the intellectual, Buddi, wisdom platform.

Still walk every night.

Some snow here but nice when the sun comes out. Enough rain.

Thank you for asking.

I find myself suffering because of my own stupidity, I am trying to learn from that.

ASA - It seems Socrates said that also et al.

I keep trying to understand a little about mercy: The Catholic Church mentions "7 spiritual works of mercy": Teach those who do not know, correct those who make mistakes, Give good advice to those who need it, Forgive injuries, Comfort the sad, Patiently suffer the defects of others, Pray for the living and the dead.

HpS - There seems to be some redundancy in the list??

As I read and write this, I think of multiple examples of Srila Prabhupada, You and other faithful followers of Prabhupada practicing each of these "works" ... If the devotees did not possess this quality, surely we would be lost! So, it seems that in a way, all of Srila Prabhupada's followers should develop this quality?

HpS - Prayers by the Vedas Personified: Krsna's greatest quality is mercy, not justice based just on truth, so servant of Krsna is like that.

King says to criminal that he has heard all the evidence and if he acted just according the law then the he should kill the man, the criminal, but he says that and then says, "but I can see that things were very difficult for you, so this time I am going to be merciful, now get out of my court and I don't expect to see you back here ever again".

Criminal: Yes, Sir! Yes, Sir! Thank you, Sir, thank you Sir. Never again."

When I first read the Bhagavad-Gita, there was a verse that scared me very much:

"Those who are envious and evil, who are the lowest men of all, I perpetually cast into the ocean of material existence, in various species of demonic life" BG 16.19

It scared me because I thought - So I'll never get a chance to get out of this swamp? - I thought I was perpetually doomed - ... Now, little by little it seems that I am understanding (in depth) that ONLY the mercy of the spiritual Master - and the Vaisnavas - can save me.

HpS - Perpetually means, God's time. The king puts his son in the prison. The decision is eternally in force, but the king can finish it in one day or as long as he wants. Until we change our personal relationship with the king we are damned to hell.

"Without the mercy of the spiritual master one cannot make any progress"

For now, I can only pray for the mercy of those I have hurt. Now I can see that my mistakes have hurt myself more than the people I committed them against ... (I feel ashamed and sorry about that).

ASA - Us too. It is very embarrassing, but there is no mistake you can make that you cannot correct!

So I think, because I'm very dumb, just that quality of Vaisnavas (Mercy) can save me. I have made and continue to make many mistakes, but I am trying to learn from them, because I don't want to abuse you.

Gurudeva, you constantly bestow your mercy on me in various ways. Please forgive me for not being able to take advantage of it. I am trying to learn from my limited position. Thank you for being a constant example and inspiration.

Your would-be servant

Karuna- Sakti DD

Postscript: Gurudeva, is there a category on the Blog, in which we should place the offerings of Vyasa Puja? (Maybe that makes it easier for you to identify them from regular cards).

HpS - AgtSP! I think Personal Sadhana is the best, but with declaration of a Vyasa puja Offering in the Subject field. 🙄