From the recovery room & You-tube, ASA-Audio Visual

4 years, 3 months ago by Victoria in Personal Sadhana Reports, Special Category B

Hare Krsna Gurudeva, please accept my humble obeisances

All glories to Srila Prabhupada

All glories to you Guru dev

Here we are, still alive. Now more than ever it is a relief to know that Krsna says that any progress one makes on the path of bhakti is not lost.

I am a bit shocked at how the world has changed in a short time due to the pandemic (the social situation). I realize that for me the Kali Yuga advance existed as an idea. I also realized that I still have "faith" in the material world as a refuge ... I see things differently now, although sometimes it is a bit depressing.

HpS - Only depressing if you don't accept that you and Radharani (Hara! Hare!) are not going to let Krsna's birth day party stop. O.K. Radha, I have an idea for the menu. Is it good?

Reading prayers of Queen Kunti attentively helped me a lot. Thank you and the devotees who invite me to give a lectures about this topic.

HpS - Thank you!

Hari Vamsi is very well. As you mentioned in the previous letter: Yes, helping him teaches me to understand my mind. For me, the experience of motherhood is an opportunity to improve my character, develop humility and patience very fast… Although many times I feel that lack of tools to help him.

He is going to a Montessori kinder garden, he is happy and now he asks us to teach letters because he wants to read and write. His curiosity is intense, and so is his energy.

He likes Kirtan, he is enthusiastic about offering a wick to Damodar (maybe 50% attraction to fire- 50% bhakti). He likes to listen Krsna's pastimes and he has quite a few questions about demons and details. He is also have atraction for the Monster Trucks, dinosaurs, speed and power.

HpS - He can fly on Garuda some times.

I have improved the rounds, but I still cannot go back to the standard of 16. Many times I feel helpless in the face of laziness, poor time management and lack of focus ...

HpS - Srila Prabhupada says in one letter, that that is O.K. but don't stop trying, and, yes, eventually you will succeed. Then .... next challenge!

About my work, I am working as a freelance for clients in the USA, retouching and cleaning their photographs.

Also in our house and in the garden. Some days ago four cows and two calves came to our garden and ate some things, but most of them survived (They left some compost in return). Hari helps me and already recognizes the plants, insects and removes the leaves that have fungi.

HpS - Wow! Should have collected some of their milk as a tax also.

You also asked me about my father, Ekachacra Nitai Candra das. He is very well, he attends the FMP every day and he is happy with it. He and two of my brothers live in the north of Argentina. I hope we can meet this summer.

HpS - Ahhhh! That is Ek Ch. Nitai! I was thinking it was maybe our disciple from Peru!! Big administrative progress today.

About ASA Audivisual. We download almost all the Twitter links that you posted, some are lost because our internet service is sometimes suspended and the links are only available for a few days. But we can recover those recordings from the recordings that devotees broadcast on Facebook.

I'm really happy with the service, but unhappy with me because I perform the service with interruptions. I really hope I can improve and be of useful to your Sankirtan. 

HpS - See! This is exactly what we heard from conversation with Prabhupada. As our 16/4 is steady, then our other services are just as steady. So, put effort into the better rounds because (also telling myself this) then being:

  1. Mother
  2. Wife
  3. Citizen
  4. Cook
  5. Gardener
  6. Photo artist
  7. Channel Manager
  8. Sankirtan Devotee

will all improve in the fastest and most efficient way.

I think of the channel (asa audiovisual) as a library of your classes, to keep them in an orderly manner and to be able to share with whoever is interested. We have invited more devotees to the work in a team, to translate, upload or edit more classes. Still no one joined, probably due to our faults.

HpS - Hector et al say. Ask six times and then you will get practical results.

We are working on the missing classes and the illustrated FMP. Time management is the challenge.

Please let me know what we can improve and how to be really useful.

Thank you very much Gurudev for your inspiration and constant care. Your effort in maintaining the FMP, classes, and programs. Your loving way of always finding a way to engage us in service.

your aspirant to servant

Vrsabhanu Nandini dd

These are the links of the last videos uploaded

Cosmologia Védica

Festival por la aparición de Srila Prabhupada

SB 2.7.8


Desaparición Haridas Takura

SB 2.7.7 (by Sugopi Radha)

SB 2.1.5

SB 3.2 Uddhava Siksa