HARE KRSNA!!!! .../\o.. Pandaveya Spain

4 years, 1 month ago by PABLOPARIKRAMA in Personal Sadhana Reports, Other

Hare Krsna Gurudeva!

Agt SP!!

Agt Radha and Krsna!

I hope that you are very well in all aspects.

HpS - Need a lot of improvement, but life is nice in many ways.

I, very good Gurudeva...never materially, of course.

I don't know what to tell Maharaja, because what I like to talk about, or people do not talk, or is confidential, it seems.

HpS - Let your "Inner monkey and piggy" speak for you.

I've been trying for days to find the inspiration to know what to write to You, but since I have not found a solution to the problem, I'm going to write something that seems natural to me.

ASA - Better than something that seems un-natural!!

I often think about life, Krsna, etc.

I imagine that in spiritual advancement, practitioners receive more and more cascades of energy, of all kinds, without discrimination and en masse, like the flow of the river ganges falling on their heads. It seems to me that, a river of life flowing.

HpS - Hmmm. Would seem that we get out of the material stream, which means we see how it is the result of a spiritual stream, no?

Some people only want to wet their face, others only their hair, etc. But in my practical experience, when you discover your face towards the waterfall of life, or towards the massive flow of life, you will not find breezes from the forest brushing your face, but a massive and ruthless force, that like rocks 5 kg, they don't stop putting pressure on our faces. That to me is Parvati and Siva in direct but impersonal experience.

ASA - !

In my opinion, if one opens his soul to that massive force constantly, he will suffer and enjoy massively in every fraction of the time. One second is very long on this matter.

HpS - Yes, requires different kind of body.

My personal experience tells me that pressure increases as one detaches oneself from the world, and I have seemed to experience 2 paths in increasing pressure. One helps us, and another just annoys.

The one that helps us is caused by observing the world and how it works. The pressure is progressive, and it matures in the initial and intermediate stages, in the advanced stages, one, the only thing you can do is receive the pressure and give thanks.

The one that bothers us is caused by plans outside our destiny that are created in our mental dreams.

In both cases, Parvati uses agents of the material world

Everything is my opinion, the fruit of my direct experience

I believe that demonic people, agitated by the dark aspect of Parvati (or of the Virgin Mary), know nothing more than to bother so that Parvati is pleased ... with us, not with them.

The worst thing that could have happened to this world is the industrial revolution, since before the world was a world of regions, laws of the "place", forbidden areas for humans, direct knowledge of other species or different races, or demons of many classes. Physical, non-physical. Human, non-human. Now people are enslaved and educated by butchers, and they answer "good, good" just like sheep.

HpS - Yes. In many ways it began with World War I, no? That was the first really mechanized war.

I always remember some words that the Virgin Mary repeats a lot to seers of all times and countries "whoever says he is mine and does not abandon the path of deception, will suffer". Or as the Bible says, "the lukewarm are the worst, because they are neither one thing nor the other"

HpS - Revelation of John!

I'm sorry Gurudeva that I write to you without order, but I didn't know what to say

I think the same as You Maharaja, this world is depressing.

I hope you are in good health, Gurudeva, and the days pass quietly in Krsna consciousness

My humble obeisances Gurudeva

Hare Krsna Maharaja, buen día.

Hari bolo Hari bolo, Hari Hari.

HpS - Thank you very much!! What are Siva and Parvati called in the spiritual world? In this world we see a reflection of that Vaikuntha form in the mirror of Prakrti. Is very nice letter. Must move from Brahman realization to P'atma, to K como vecino.