DTC tu(15)

4 years, 4 months ago by hps in DTC, Special Category B

Hare Krsna!

AGTSP Paoho..... Here it is 2.57PM. We are pausing our work to write this letter because we need to say the same thing to many people. Our donkey is very low on energy.

Hey! What's the surprise. He's 72-American years old!!

Our teeth, eyes, ears, lings, heart, short-term-memory, are all going. "Sans teeth, sans eyes, sans taste, sans everything" https://poets.org/poem/you-it-act-ii-scene-vii-all-worlds-stage

In contrast, our intelligence, purity of heart is quite enlivening.

We cannot handle individual letters. If we do we get like 400-500/month. So, write here! We see it, other ASA Friends, Members and Intelligent Enemys see it, and we can make our little, maybe precise, comments!

There are so many people with such important news!!!! Please don't let it get lost! Post it here. The ASA Blog. One of the most important websites in the universe.