“Nitai-Gauranga”...Pandaveya Spain

4 years, 4 months ago by PABLOPARIKRAMA in Personal Sadhana Reports, Other

Hare Krsna Gurudeva!


Agt Radha y Krsna!

I hope you are doing your best in all aspects.

HpS - ASA - Thank you, and the same to you!!

First of all, thank you very much for everything Gurudeva, your letters are like reading letters from a very close relative who is abroad.

In your last letter you asked me if I had more information about the first Christians, the ones I call the desert fathers, because that's what some call them.

They are not exactly the Koftos as I understand it, as the Desert Fathers were the first cloistered monks according to Christian history. The precursors of the monasteries as such, since apparently there were not before, of course ... they were the early days of Christianity. And surely the Koftos are descendants of these communities, or the base communities of those Christian times in those areas like Egypt, I don't know exactly that.

The desert fathers were hermits, and they isolated themselves imitating Jesus Christ in the desert, waiting for communion with God thanks to their Tapasias and devotion.

For me, what impressed me the most about them, as I read, is that they practiced continuous prayer of the heart, or a very similar method. They prayed to Jesus Christ, or mantra-like formulas, non-stop.

Statements like this one inspired me with great respect and admiration for those people or communities:

[... However, taking into account the nature of the prayer to Jesus, its origins can be discovered in the search environment of a continuous prayer that intensely seals the spiritual history of the first Christian centuries, particularly the pilgrimage of the Fathers of the desert. The common doctrine of primitive monasticism is the search for the ideal of continuous prayer. It is said of Saint Anthony of Egypt (c.250-356), who has gone down in history as "the father of monks" that he "prayed constantly, as he had learned that it was necessary to pray incessantly in private." The aspiration to incessant prayer is nourished by orientations like those of Saint Paul that exhort us to live "persevering in prayer" (Rom 12,12) and to pray "without ceasing" (1Thes 5, 17) ... ]

Here I leave the link of a pdf talking about continuous prayer, it´s ok; http://www.acharia.org/downloads/oracion_continua_corazon-2.pdf

The closer one gets to the original practitioners, close to some envoy or prophet, the more one realizes that the Vedic Vaisnava culture is the original source of all the water that falls on the world, not due to a material origin in time, that a lot of that too, but because this Vedic knowledge drinks water from the hand of God, Krsna, in person.

Really, if I think about it calmly, to this day, that due to the corruption, the influence of kali yuga, and the time itself that bundles everything when being moved by living entities, it is almost impossible to really see the teachings of Jesus Christ somewhere, or Muhammad, etc etc ... even Krsna ... and even Srila Prabhupada if we look at it closely. Therefore, it is as if Srila Prabhupada's quick preaching is really, without exaggeration or mythologizing, a true new global evangelization on the essence of the “perfect and private teachings” of the prophets or guides of all the religions on earth, previous at this time, that have been lost.

Srila Prabhupada was empowered to expand on earth again, to all places without distinction, in unison, this river of life, lost. I am fully sure of this statement.

Forgive such a long letter this time.

Have good days until the next letter, I'll see you on Twitter and blog every day.

Hare Krsna Gurudeva.


P.D: How young you "happy hippies" were!!

HpS - Thank you! Here is a Text and Purport you might like??!! https://vedabase.io/es/library/sb/3/24/34/