Calendar: The Big Picture

4 years, 7 months ago by hps in Special Category A, Calendar Development

The Sage of the Deep South Wrote:

[2:37 PM, 8/8/2020] SDS: Yes. I agree. I'll be out of job by the end of this year. I have no interest in looking for another job. Not sure of what next.... I do want to go back to India... Unfotunately, I don't have enough faith to take total shelter of the lotus feet of Guru and Krishna...

Maharaja, when you do retire to live in Vrindavan, where would you live? Close to Krishna Balaram mandir or somewhere else?

HpS - ASA --- AGTSP! Paoho. BG 4.34 purport. "Blind faith ant absurd enquirey are condemed". Krsna gives us intelligence, no? Whatever we have comes from Him. Especially in the case of us former Hippy Americans!!

So, full surrender means to use practical intelligence. Of course, that has a esoteric dimensions also. Try making changes in work style gradually. Maybe moving to on-line project work. Work more directly related to SP's Sankirtan.

Krsna will help you if you chant mo' rounds bettah!


We don't know what is going to happen. Maybe we move into a village here in Nashvill with five more families and grow 90% of our food and only go out once a month for p-nut butter and drive in movies.

In general maybe we go to South America one more time. Big deal and stay one play for a year. Then go to Radha kunda Ashrama that Divya-svarupa Das is building?

Let us travel on Monkey and Piggy's boat everywhere!