“KDPC”! - Invitation to participate in INTERNATIONAL COLLOQUIUM / OCTOBER 2020

4 years, 8 months ago by abhiramdas in Special Category A, Calendar Development

Hare Krishna Gurudeva, please accept my humble obeisances. All glories to Srila Prabhupada!

Gurudeva, Arjuna Prabhu from Chile shared us invitation from Claudia Lira Professor. So that you and two other people can participate in the COLLOQUIUM: "Nature and sacrality, human stillness, animal and plant action"; event organized by Catholic University from Chile Aesthetics Faculty Institute of Philosophy through Zoom.

Besides you, I talked to Héctor Béjar and he agreed to participate, the title of his conference will sent this Friday. Finally, as I have received an invitation to participate in an inter-religious seminary, during August this year, around a virtual dialogue table organized by the Catholic University from Peru on "religious and/or interreligious education and its cultural influence", I think I can present the same topic in this colloquium that they are invited us from Chile (I consulted to Miguel and Héctor and they thought it will be fine).

Pending points:

1. Your conference would be on Wednesday, October 21st. What will be the title of your presentation?

HpS - Thank you for the news but the title is almost incomprehensible to us both in English and Spanish. Can you give us a more clear idea of the conference? What she means by the title!!! If that is clear then the other points in this letter seem fine.

2. Hector and me will be introduced as NIOS Peru members, and you will be introduced as the General Secretary from NIOS. That would be fine?

3. We can start to dialogue about our subjects so we can come to the online event with interrelated and complementary proposals. Seems this fine from your point of view?

4. All this participation of us could be material for SOLARIS 2021 issue number 6. Are you agree?

Hare Krishna Gurudeva, Your insignificant servant, 

Abhiram Thakura das



Invitación para participar en COLOQUIO INTERNACIONAL / OCTUBRE 2020

Hare Krishna Gurudeva, por favor acepte mis humildes reverencias

Todas las Glorias a Srila Prabhupada!!

Gurudeva, prabhu Arjuna de Chile nos compartió la invitación de la profesora Claudia Lira para que usted y dos personas más puedan participar en el COLOQUIO: “Naturaleza y sacralidad quietud humana, acción animal y vegetal”, evento organizado por Instituto de Estética de la Facultad de Filosofía de la Universidad Católica de Chile vía Zoom. Aparte de usted hable con Héctor Béjar, el acepto participar, el título de su conferencia me lo a enviar el viernes, por último, como he recibido una invitación para participar en un dialogo interreligioso, en agosto, en una mesa redonda virtual en la universidad católica de Perú sobre “la educación religiosa y/o interreligiosa y su influencia cultural” pienso que puedo presentar el mismo tema en este coloquio (les consulte a Miguel y a Héctor y les pareció bien).

Puntos pendientes:

1. Su conferencia sería el miércoles 21 de octubre, cuál sería el título de su ponencia?

2. Héctor y yo seremos presentados como miembros de NIOS Perú, y usted será presentado como el Secretario General NIOS. ¿Estaría bien?

3. Podemos empezar a dialogar sobre nuestros temas así podemos llegar al evento con propuestas interrelacionadas y complementarias, le parece bien?

4. toda esta participación podría ser material para el numero 6 de SOLARIS, está bien?

Hare Krishna Gurudeva, su insignificante sirviente, Abhiram Thakura das