Govinda Ji!...Happy Guru purnima. Bhakti Charu Swami, Jay!...Pandaveya Spain.

4 years, 6 months ago by PABLOPARIKRAMA in Personal Sadhana Reports, Other

Feliz Guru Purnima Guru Deva!!!!

Jaya Sanatana Goswami!!!!

Jay Bhakti Charu Swami!!!

Jay Sri Sri Radha Syamasundara!!!!

I hope He is laughing right now with his Guru Deva, Srila Prabhupada.

ASA - Or maybe crying in relief to meet again.

I hope that You find yourself the best, Guru deva, in all aspects.

HpS - Only death is good. Then real life can start, unless we use the things in this world to preach ie. lead people to die.

I have been very saddened by the departure of Bhakti Charu Swami, I had his indirect association on a few occasions in Spain and India, and much for his classes. It has been one of my references to advance within Krsna consciousness. There are people with a sweetness in their personality that surprise me a lot, a little like milk is surprised by oil.

I have no doubt that he is with Krsna, Prabhupada and all the rock. I am almost certain that in a little while he will return to care for the devotees, and preach.


I would like to tell you about an experience that I have had in relation to the departure of Maharaja, I am sure it is because I know that he was very critical for days, but even so I really liked the experience.

Perhaps, by singing a few rounds for Him, and the austerity of a full fast in ekadasi honored for His pleasure, perhaps, my subconscious was very sensitive to His person.

The day he left, like an hour or two before I knew anything about his death, I think I was singing a few rounds, I think the mid-day rounds, I could see him in my heart and in my mind, in the rounds, and I greeting and said goodbye to him. Tears came out of my eyes remembering with him good moments in Malaga and Mayapur, he was also very excited and surprised, I imagine that because of the affection I felt for him. I guess he didn't expect it ... When we said goodbye, I gave him dandavats and pranamas, and when I touched his feet and put dust on my head from the path of his feet, I started to jump like a monkey and I ran in the opposite direction, chanting Hare Krsna. I think he was very surprised to see a devotee go into mental ecstasy thinking about the dust on his lotus feet.

A few hours later I saw that he had passed away, and I wondered if he was saying hello to everyone on his farewell journey.

HpS - When the sun rises it smiles on everyone!

I hope he is very happy in his future service. It makes me a little envious, good, to think how he is enjoying the fruits of his intense devotional service to his Gurudeva, Prabhupada, and Radha Krsna.

He is a person who makes my heart softer and softer.

I hope you have a very good day, especially this auspicious day of the Guru.

My humblest obeisances Guru deva.

Accept my humblest respects and surrender.

I hope you have a very intense day with your Guru deva, Srila Prabhupada.

Hare Krsna.

HpS - More in the foreground we can try to learn more and more of his practical projects as they relate to us and how we can push them with our personal abilities. Of course, this is development of eternal relationships in the Traveling Road Show. AGTSP! Paoho.