Donkey-1 (Divorcio II)

4 years, 10 months ago by kintsukuroi in Personal Sadhana Reports, Hot Topics

Hare Krsna Gurudeva

Por favor acepte mis reverencias

Todas las glorias a Srila Prabhupada

Todas las Glorias a usted.

Oro para que su salud se encuentre bien. Gracias por su respuesta a mi carta anterior. No quise escribir antes porque sé que usted esta muy ocupado y no quiero ser una carga, discúlpeme por favor.

*** En una clase usted dijo que cuando se rompe un matrimonio y las personas se "re-casan", de cierta forma, los siguientes matrimonios son solo una continuación del primer matrimonio". ¿Cómo funciona esta situación sutil?

*** Por otro lado, usted nos sugirió hablar con 5 o 6 buenos devotos sobre el matrimonio. Mi esposo y yo recibimos consejos muy diferentes 😅 (A mí varios vaisnavas me dijeron "conserve el matrimonio" y a él le dijeron "separence") así que él eligió separación. Yo acate la decisión confiando en la sabiduría de los consejeros y me he convencido de que es lo mejor.

Parece que un consejero puede ser la salvación o la ruina ¿no? 🤔 Pienso que más importante que el consejo es ¡QUIÉN es el consejero!

Y me preguntaba, ¿Cuál es la responsabilidad que un consejero adquiere?

Desde mi pobre posición tengo algunas otras preguntas sobre el tema, si me lo permite, en un futuro escribiré con ellas.

Muchas gracias por sus instrucciones que son un bálsamo para mi corazón.

Su sirviente




Hare Krsna GurudevaPlease accept my obeisances

All glories to Srila Prabhupada

All glories to you.

I pray that your health is well.

Thank you for your response to my previous letter. I didn't want to write before because I know you're very busy and I don't want to be a burden, please excuse me.***

HpS - ASA --- We are like Llamas we can only carry so much. We don't feel happy with less or more.

In one class you said that when a marriage breaks up and people “remarry,” in a way, the following marriages are just a continuation of the first marriage. ”How does this subtle situation work?***

HpS - Oooof!! We do not remember ever saying this? Maybe mistranslation. From our understanding of reality, Vedic wisdom, there really is no divorce. It is like a grass plate. Once it breaks you cannot put it back together the same way. Once you are married you have changed your life, body. That will always be a part of your life. If there is another marriage, man takes a second wife, let us hope properly, or a girl does, then that is another marriage. Not a continuation of the first.

On the other hand, you suggested that we talk to 5 or 6 good devotees about marriage. My husband and I received very different advice 😅 (Several Vaisnavas told me to "keep the marriage" and he was told to "separate") so he chose separation. I followed the decision trusting in the wisdom of the advisors and I have convinced myself that it is the best.

It seems that a counselor can be salvation or ruin, right? 🤔 I think who is more important than the council is WHO is the counselor! And I was wondering, what is the responsibility that a counselor acquires?

From my poor position I have some other questions on the subject, if you allow me, in the future I will write with them. Thank you very much for your instructions that are a balm for my heart.

Your servant,


HpS - Thank YOU. If different good devotees give different advice, and cannot arrive at a consensus, even after good discussions, then it seems that the solution to the problem is not clear. Absolutely unclear. We have free will and even Krsna does not know completely how we will use it. He can accomodate us, but especially in the spiritual world when we are under the influence of the Gopis we do things that Krsna never thought of! Then His Jnana shakti expands and understands. So His jnana shakti and hladini shakti are always competing, dancing.

Yes, we should talk with 5-6 GOOD devotees. First principle is their character, do they have practical knowledge of the scripture, sudra devotees also must have this and are they applying it.

Thank you. Basic principle is marry Krsna.