Dear Maharaja

Hare Krishna, Jaya Srila Prabhupada and the Guru Varga!

I'm very sorry for my incompetence and lack of respect and sanity.

HpS - ASA --- AGTSP! I say that to Krsna and Srila Prabhupada repeatedly every day!

My mind and maya had been winning the fight for so long, yet somehow this mercy has descended upon me and I once again am feeling the presence of bhakti in my life and a desire to become a serious Devotee. This great wave of love and emotion has been repeatedly sweeping over me, sometimes while chanting japa and sometimes just randomly while thinking about different things (such as Srila Prabhupada, Iskcon, you, Radharani, Balarama) I begin crying so hard and choking up, it feels like a great release and purifying.

HpS - Hmmm. Suspicious. No, intellectual clarity also?

None of my plans seem to work because I am so dysfunctional, I'm not sure where my life went way off course but depression and confusion have taken their toll.

I am working some, currently, and saving up, I have about $5,000 and considering to just move to India or something.

HpS - Haw! Haw! Haw! India is as great a mess as the West in many ways!!!! This is Kali-yuga, no? No "Place" is decent, only the process, no? Hare Krona, Hare Krsna!

I just worked 75 hours this week and very exhausted and unsure about life and this world, but I admire you and wish to somehow be of service to you and your projects. Would I ever be able to stop by Murfreesboro again to visit you?

HpS - Of course! We are almost living under a tree so how can we be particular who else sits under the tree.

I understand if it is not appropriate though. I will try to utilize this blog to keep in touch better, and also I will try to make use of the morning program you broadcast online. I'm so sorry that I don't amount to much. There is some positive news and sankirtana to report. Still over the internet young people contact me and they look up to me, I send them to temples and be their friends, gradually helping them however I can until they get more of a taste and attraction to Bhakti.

HpS - Vartmana pradarshika guru. Nice work if you can get it! You are doing o.k.

Also these famous internet people still keep in touch with me and let me influence them and their message. I can see great things coming. This one youtuber guy has half a million subscribers and he was distributing Krishna pamphlets in packages to fans, from this several new people have joined ashrams.

I wish I had better things to report. Thank you for tolerating me and being a guide in my journey.

Hare Krishna

-Bhakta Daniel

HpS - Maybe you should aspire to become Dhananjaya Das rather than Daniel??? Servant of Arjuna!!! Wars are not won by guys who kill 'em all with the first bullet. Wars are won by half competent, wounded, soldiers who don't stop shooting, throwing rocks, until their last resource is finished. Keep on throwing rocks. When the chance comes do as much as you can. When Raja and Tama guns hit try to do as little as possible!

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