Hare Krishna
All glories to Srila Prabhupada
All glories to Sri Gaura Nitai
Please Maharaja, accept my most humble obeisances
Its been a while since i last wrote you,
ASA - Us also!!
but i´ve been keeping track of your wherebouts thanks to Parasurama Prabhu and Bhakta Hector Prabhu, thanks to them that also have helped me so much thru my process.
i hope you are in good health and doing good.
HpS - Like yours!
As for me i´m still in Panama, its been 2 years and a half now and im amazed how fast time is going!
As my mind got trouble and rebelious i took a step back (again) and i feel like everytime im close to start doing things right i bounce back to my worst behaviors. I also feel very tired most of the times , in general, i can call it laziness, and i feel in ignorance, i wasnt following any principles for the last 6 months...i also stopped going to the temple...
HpS - The Evil One got you!!
... but around two weeks ago something [God] shook me out and started chanting again, and back in order to start following principles again.. i dont feel completly guilty, its like an internal battle between i know what i should do and why i dont do it the right way. Im tired of being tired, lazy and mediocre...
why is it easier for certain people and for others is so hard?
HpS - The same reason it will be easy for you in the next lifetime, because whatever progress you do you take with you!
can all this tireness and laziness come from also being supressing a depression?
HpS - Maybe!
thank you Maharaja for the precious time you take to read all this that i put out about my troubled mind.
ASA - Sorry so slow to answer. We are lazy, but also can't answer while traveling. Too many personal consultations! Read the Kapi Dhvaja. www.JayaRama.US!! You are way ahead of many people on the planet! Become better. Become a Doctor.