report 8

5 years, 4 months ago by harsh_horse in Personal Sadhana Reports

earlier letter

Hare Krsna Maharaj, PAMHO, AGTSP

all glories to you..

we are thank you for having daily SB classes online...

we waited for your letter on node 10448, so to ensure that can we increase our rounds from four 10 sixteen.

we then on this ekadasi increased them to 16 ourself. however we are finding imbalance in life. but dont know which is better 16 rounds or imbalance..

our reading is average 30 pages.....we are reading e book.

nothing much to report..

we have one question:

From Srila Bhaktivinoda Thakur schedule available on internet it seems he did not give family time either sankirtana or household activities...

manier times we have heard from you, if family members can sit togher and do chanting, then there is no need to leave home.

can you reconcile two statements.

HpS - Hare Krsna. Wrote whole answer and then lost it in the internet failure. Is 1 AM we are sitting in the kitchen closet with the potatoes and ghee. INternet is here.

Read your other letter.

If you can do 16-rounds for two weeks great. Don't fail and if it is too much then make another standard next time.

Your other letter was great.

Know us and trust us as we are. We are just trying to represent Srila Prabhupada as an Acharya to you. We are not a Founder Acharya. Only half perfect disciple. Clean the earth off of us and use us to connect to him.

Hope your family life improves. You seem to have a pretty good wife.

Bhaktivinode Th. life from the internet seems good to me, but I think it is difficult to understand without Srila Prabhupada's interpretation. May not even be a completely accurate picture. Eg. maybe it was his standard during Kartika.

Also hundred years ago, more, in Orissa. Maybe husband and wife only met to talk morning and evening and longer on the weekends. Maybe ladies had their own Kirtan.

Our ISKCON standard as far as I know is nice morning and evening program for everyone and then working as Sankirtan partners in the Sankirtan movement.

Try to send then now.