Hare Krishna Gurudeva, please accept my humble obeisances
All glories to Srila Prabhupada!!
All glories to Hanumatpresaka Swami!!
Please excuse the delay of this report, the donkey is still low on energy, but, by his mercy and Sadai Nimai-Nitai we are improving. Next, there is an estimated budget for the realization of the INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM: EDUCATION AND THE SACRED, the LOB exhibition and the KALA KENDRA Fair.
4 videos from 1 to 1.30 minutes: 600
General Advertising (2 gigantography of 5mt x 3.5mt, 8000 flyers,
2000 16-page hand programs, 100 posters): 700
Kala Kendra Fair: 540
LOB Exhibition: 380
Stay and lodging: 650
Buffet + Decoration: 480
Simultaneous Translation (1 day): 400
Image and sound recording and summary videos: 500
Artists and instruments mobility: 250
Bhoga for event week: 160
Mobility for exhibitors: 80
Total = $4,740
As responsible for the organization of these events, I have signed a document of commitment to the administration of the university assuming that any damage to the auditorium or esplanade during the realization of the Symposium, exhibition and Fair are our responsibility and we have to fix it.
Annex, I send you the letter of the Vice-Rectorate for Research and the Center for Asian Studies CEAS, approving the realization of the events and the letter of the Dean of Administrative Sciences authorizing the use of the Auditorium for the Symposium and the esplanade for the exhibition and Fair.
HARE KRISHNA GURUDEVA, your useless servant, Abhiram Thakur das.
HpS - ASA -- AgtSP. Paoho. Is good your body is better. Thank you for the budget. Yes, is a little late to make decisions now, no? Also there is $800 for Solaris and maybe $1000 for Oscar Natars?
Also, the four short videos - maybe just one now? We can use it next year also and make more, no? $1,200 for LOB and Kalakendra, what is that for?
San Marcos and the fairs are only three days and one week, no?
The other days that Radhika and his family are there, will we do programs with other institutions? Have we sent invitation to Wilson, Chosica, San Borjes ISKCON to host marvelous programs?
Thank you.
Por favor disculpa la demora de este informe, el burro todavía sigue con poca energía, pero, por su misericordia y de Sadai Nimai-Nitai estamos mejorando. A continuación, va un presupuesto estimado para la realización del SIMPOSIO INTERNACIONAL LA EDUCACIÓN Y LO SAGRADO, de la exhibición LOB y de la Feria KALA KENDRA.
4 videos de 1 a 1.30 minutos: 600
Publicidad general (2 gigantografías de 5mt x 3.5 mt, 8000 volantes,
2000 programas de mano de 16 pp, 100 afiches): 700
Feria de Kala Kendra: 540
Exposición LOB: 380
Estancia y alojamiento: 650
Buffet + Decoración: 460
Traducción simultánea (1 día): 400
grabación de imagen y sonido y videos de resumen: 500
Movilidad de artistas e instrumentos: 250
Bhoga para la semana del evento: 160
Movilidad para expositores: 80
Total = $4,740
Como responsable de la organización de estos eventos, he firmado un documento de compromiso con la administración de la universidad asumiendo que cualquier daño al auditorio o explanada durante la realización del Simposio, Exhibición y Feria son de nuestra responsabilidad y tenemos que arreglarlo.
Anexo le envío la carta del Vice-rectorado de investigación y del Centro de Estudios Asiáticos CEAS, aprobando la realización de los eventos y la carta del Decano de Ciencias Administrativas autorizando el uso del Auditorio para el Simposio y de la explanada para la Exposición y Feria.
HARE KRISHNA GURUDEVA, su inútil sirviente, Abhiram Thakur das.