report 6

5 years, 5 months ago by harsh_horse in Personal Sadhana Reports
previous letter node 10378

hare krsna maharaj, PAMHO, AGTSP.

Its nice to see we have written 6 reports (every ekadasi {+ 7 days margin}). Good to see you still find us intelligent. We are able to get 16 rounds done somehow, four rounds among them must of quality. 1 page krsna book is add on for last seven days.

it is tough to practice KC in adverse environment. But krsna is the ability in man.

please bless us that we can be determined in a humble mannner, not a warrior manner.

Pancha-tattva prabhu from Mardel Plata is visiting India, he might meet us.



HpS/ASA - Jaya!! The Victory Horse! 16-rounds and one page of Krsna book! Was it a good result? We are struggling just as hard. For years we are offering and eating pizza when we [Brother Ass] want to eat it. (10PM?), not really asking Srila Prabhupada what he wants to eat. He accepts our "Karma yoga" and suffers! We are stopping torturing our Guru because Krsna arranged a big picture of Prabjhupada (Photo attached) sitting in front of it. It is a gift of one nice devotee artist. Little by little. Look for the chances and take them. Pancha tattva et al in Noida.

Next report tell us about how many nice gifts you got for Mataji.

What was the benefit of the Japa vrata (if any).