
5 years, 9 months ago by Govinda Sundara in Personal Sadhana Reports, Other

Hare krishna dear Gurumaharaja

Please accept our humble obeisances

All glories to Srila Prabhupada all glories to the Sankirtan of Lord Caitanya

Dear Gurumaharaja

We apologize for not writing before and for not trying harder to get your association. We keep following your recorded classes and tweets, How is your heart this days?. .

We know that our association with you will be truth only if we follow your instructions. We are trying our best in this new stage as grihastas to follow your instructions and reminding that krishna should never leave his place as heart in our relationship as husband-wife despite the difficulties.

Govinda is for now residing in Toronto, and with your blessings she will be graduating in October (Regulatory Affairs for Pharma). School is 1 hour far but ISKCON Toronto is very near. She keep the association of the young devotee girls by reading Queen Kunti Prayers and discussing KC. She has spoken with Lalita Mataji and Gopi Radha in Mexico so they can engage her in service. We seek your blessing because they request us to Translate Aruddha Mataji’s -Srimad Bhagavatam A Comprehensive Guide for Young Readers- into Spanish, we are not perfect but we think is very much needed to develop all this materials in Spanish.

Ranchor is for now living in Monterrey, Mexico. We don't think he will adjust to mexico, always is hankering to return to Vraja. The Overall experience for him has been good to develop depth in his attachment to the Holy name, Dham and to increase his Srimad Bhagavatam study.

Every evening we read together and discuss KC, lately we have been reading Srimad Bhagavatam, Narada-Bhatki-Sutra and Nectar of Devotion. In Chanting we are been constant but with the persisting struggles of the mind.

We are hoping to meet you soon, and get your blessings personally for some of the important decisions for our spiritual life.

Your servants

Govinda Pramodini & Ranchor Krishna Das

HpS - Jaya! So who had the TYPHOID? Ranchor Ji? Amazing! On one side Maha-Maya is trying to kill us in Mexico with mad cow disease and on the other side Yoga Maya is trying to kill us in Braja with typhoid.

I guess the message is that in all circumstances we are going to die, a painful death, so chant Krsna Krsna, Hare Hare and realize that after we are dead we can really see Krsna!!!!!!

Thank you. May Nrsmha-caturdasi give you many lasting and amazing gifts.