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5 years, 2 months ago by hps in Special Category B

HpS - Death is going to another world. If it is better world, why stay here? 😎

NgD - But before you go Maharaj you will have to prepare us to follow you.

HpS - Since you asked. 🙂🙂🙂 The most basic lesson we have learned is get up early and get your rounds done. Early is Brahma muhurta, 1-1/2 hours before sunrise.

If we can do that then next we have to make sure that we are chanting ENTHUSIASTIC rounds. NOI Three. It's part of the contract. So we challenge everyone to turn on the recorder on your cellular and record one round. Then skip back through it and listen to the quality of the Acoustical Icon, Mantra, that you are producing.

We tend to chant unclear Names and add an extra Hare.

What about you?