URGENT : Unanswered Annual Report

5 years, 11 months ago by Gopal C Biswas in Personal Sadhana Reports

Hare Krsna Dear Gurudev,

  Please accept my humble obeisances at your lotus feet.

  All glories to Srila Prabhupada.

  All glories to Guru parampara.

  Gurudev, We did not find reply of my Submitted Annual report on the blog.

  while i had submitted the report before January 6, 2019.

  i had clicked "Report" tab and put requested details then submitted.

HpS - ASA --- Thank you for asking this question. This is why we ask you, all, to write to the Blog, because this is a common question. We have not been able to answer the Reports because we started traveling and we were waiting a little while for the lost Late Reporters to post their Reports before we closed the List of Active Disciples. Looking at the Calendar, looks like we may have a lot of time in Manipur to answer them.

There are 58-disciples reporting. List in the K Dh on Tuesday.

Attached status (screenshot) for the unanswered report.

HpS - Don't see the Attachment.

Also didn't found the list of Disciples !! want to check if i am there ? or not ?!!

ASA - Just tried the Guru-tattva link in the K. Dh and it took us to the file that includes the active list!

Thank you Gurudev.

your fallen servant,


HpS - Thank you. It was very nice having your association in Pune! To our vision you have a common fault in trying to act a a servant to a Sannyasi et al. We try to 'out think' our 'Master'. Guru asked for water but I 'think' milk is better than water so I bring milk and it causes our Master problems. In the more extreme, "I am sure that I know more than my Master", so I try to push him to take milk (and he gets sick and dies).

In the beginning we should try to be second class servants, do what we are told. Later when our Master tells us that we know what he wants before he tells us then we can try to be first class servants and render that kind of service.

The contamination that we have is that we accept: I am not Krsna! But them we decide: O.K. I am not Krsna, I am Radharani, the Greatest servant. No one can do our service, but we have to learn how to do it in big part by looking at the service of other servants. O.K??