Urgent..still aspiring to become you're deciple.

6 years ago by stopngo in Personal Sadhana Reports

All glories to srila prabhupada.

And to you you're holiness Hunumantpresaka swami.

Forgive me for not staying in communication with you. i've spent the last three and a half months in India.

It's so easy to practice krsna consciousness in association of the devotees, and realized my purpose is to always have sadu sanga.

We've talked about being your disciple before, and you stated in February that I'll be eligible. i see my name is not on the list. i've followed most all the instructions you've given, except the letters from the temple authoritys.

HpS - ASA --- Welll…. 😀 One instruction is to keep communication here through the Blog and our Kapi Dhavaja which you have not been so good at. Of course, we are a worse spiritual master than most of our disciples are students.

HH Basu Ghosh dass the temple president in Baroda,India has been instrumental in my spiritual life and says he's more than happy to send a recommendation letter for me.

Since my time is short in this world, I feel it's the only inportant thing I have left to do,if you could please reconsider my request and allow this unworthy demon to serve the Lord and guru my life would be of some importance.

Thanks for your precious time.

Awaiting you instructions.

Ys.mike Jarvis

HpS - It is very good to hear from you. Basu Ghosh Das is a good friend to us. He sent the letter but agreed that the natural and polite course would be to get a letter from the Temple President in Seattle. Can you do that? Have you passed the Disciple Course?

Are you back in USA?

Can we talk on the tele-phone when we get to USA the 27th if this month?