Hare Krishna Beloved Gurudeva
Gurudeva ¡¡¡¡¡ How are You? I follow your DTC, and sometimes devotees share a video of U in India, I listened to a class in Pune, we missed You all so much.
Our sadhana was kind of messed up, my mother almost left her body twice, and we have to run from our house to the hospital, etc pfff illness is one of the worst miseries in life, we can not do anything. I am not attached to her body, I know that for a reason she is still with us, so I am just there by her side. I have to chant lots of rounds, I was so so tired and stressed, so in youtube I found one priest who preaches with humor, he is a Franciscan. He is too great, the way he teaches us using easy terms how his life is an example of what he says, and most importantly that he is not interested in stay here in this material world helped me a lot. And then I realized that I can not fall in love with a man unless he is in love with God, is the way I am, despite all the spoiled that I am, and the fancy way I like to wear, if someone is connected and in love with God is the glory to me.
I used to dedicate songs of love to Nityananda Prabhu, and then when I saw that he does the same thing jaja I felt so please
I know that you are too busy there put I will put the link in here of his Youtube channel, maybe some of us gain benefit from him
I am also reading SP books, but in videos I feel much more connected. Nityananda Trayodasi is comming so I will take advantage of that.
I am very thankful with everything even with the cancer because it is teaching me how to be patient, merciful,and that I am too selfish.
Gurudeva please pray for us, for be more determined in helping me and then others in this spiritual path
By the way I do not have a relationship with him hahaha, I was just expressing that if I fall in love it is going to be with a man of God. I write to him in public and make some comments that's it
I am teaching BS online, It is very nice to feel SP's company and guidance too
Thanks again
Your useless servant
Candramukhi dd
HpS - ASA --- Hare Krsna, Candra-mukhi Devi Das. Hare Krsna, Hare Krsna. Get up early and get your rounds done!!! A full-morning program. Join some party. Do and online program. Invite devotees to spend the night with you.
Then everything will be great.
We did 2-hours of class for the VIHE Bh. Vai. students yesterday.
What we seein Pune, Vrndavana, is that the Bh. Vai. students here are no more advanced than we are in the West. Get to work. The more purified we are the more we can explain what is this material world to others, no?
Thank you for the link.
Would this Franciscan appreciate Srila Prabhupada's company?