Report from India

Hare Krsna

All glories to Sri Sri Radha Krsna.

All glories to Srila Prabhupada.

Dear Guru Maharaja,

Hope that you are well and that we were able to catch your flight.

I write to you after long time,

We are still in Delhi, I keep teaching 7 days a week, I have 3 classes a day of 3 hours each.

We keep a nice altar and follow the 4 principles, but I have problems chanting my rounds.

I reach home every day Past 9pm and most of the days I feel like a robot, but I like to teach, my students are good people.

We go to the temple for festivals, because most of the time I'm at work and my husband is still between USA and India, but we are seen the possibility of opening and office or something here in Delhi or in Chennai.

We have a very quiet family life.

I wanted to know if you are going to be in Delhi. It's virtually impossible for me to take a day off to go to Vrindavan, but I can try.

HpS - Ooof!! No one ever looks at the Calendar. (Smile) We are in Delhi right now. We will be here until Tuesday morning then we go to the airport.

We would really like to see you, specially Vrinda. She is a good kid and is maturing spiritually.

We are so sorry for any stress or anxiety cause to you.

I have tried to get Krsna away, but I can't.

I was angry, so angry with him.

But I cannot be a non devotee.

With bitterness one day I told Krsna that he didn't care about me, but he showed me he did.

My desk at work is facing directly towars an altar of Hanuman that it is opposite to our building. And 2 of my 3 classes are opposite toward an altar of Radha and Krsna and Saraswati, every afternoon I open the window and do classes while they do Sandhya Aarti 5 meters across....they sing the same song than in Radha Raman.

Krsna has me surrounded.

I can't go to the temple, but Krsna brought it to us.

Hope we have the opportunity to see you,

Cakori Radha Devi dasi.

HpS - Krsna will never punish you for chanting 16-good rounds. He will always reward you in every way, but if don't chance we are consciously letting go of the rope and being carried away by the waves again. How can we blame Krsna! In the Peter Brook 'Mahabharata' Dhrtarastra says, "Krsna, I tried my best to avoid this war!". Krsna says, "So did I.".