Hare Krsna, AGTSP!!! Paoho. Monkey/Piggy here!!! Did you like the KDh??
Still in the Pune Temple. It is about 20,000 acres and 100,000 people come each evenign for Gara Arati. Sataksi came last night with here new husband. He is a very nice person.
Each day we do 10.30-1.30 and 4.30-6.30 with the Board of Examiners. It is starting right now. We are working on redesigning the Examinations for the 4-degree program. Atul Krsna Das, Gauranga-darshana Das, Laksmni mauni and Prasanta devi dasi's, Adi-purusa Das, one excellent Indian B'cari who s name we forget and others visiting. They are all very erudite, excellent devotees who have taught hundreds of BhS et al programs. Very interesting hearing about all kinds of different students.
It is very very hard mental work. We have to use many techiniques to avoid headaches. Our ideas are appreciated sometimes and rejected others. Same for others, but no one becomes angry or unenthusiastic. Present again or accept the difference.
O.K. Here we go again.
Radha-natha Swami liked our lecture in Eco Village. About 1,000 people for his lecture thing morning. Pune we secnd in th Kristmas marathon.
Sunday we leave a 5AM for Delhi.