DTC 13(Su)

6 years, 1 month ago by hps in DTC

Oink! Honk! WHoop! ! ! !

8.39PM We are DEAD!!! lONG lONG LONG dAY! You can see some of the letters we wrote to Minstry of Education, Philemon Foundation. We answered "Urgent" letters. The problem/advantage of URGENT letters is that we answer them quickly so that sometimes means it is a short answer.

We see so many Vyasapuja offerings. How can we answer them?? We feel sad. Our eyes are very strained now. We can push but we will go blind even sooner.

Tandavika Das has gone to bed. We didn't get a chance to go for walk today. I wanted to but it kept getting later.

The world moves very fast.

All we can do is keep our little part of it clean and be an example to others. We can talk to them, offer advice, if they can hear, but if not then we can set and example.

Hare Krsna Hare Rama. Happy Radha. Happy Shyama. Play Their vina, play their lute. Play Their bamboo country flute.

More letters we wanted to answer but will destroy our eyes, so we rest now. Hear Krsna lila in the rumbling of the surf.

Our humble obeisances to you. Thank you for your sacrifices for Srila Prabhupada's movement. , , , ,