Urgent for Gurudev

6 years, 1 month ago by Kamagayatri in Special Category A

Hare Krsna to our dear Gurudev on the auspicious occasion of your Vyasa Puja!

Please accept our most humble obeisances! All glories to His Divine Grace Srila Prabhupada.

Gurudev, we are very happy to report to you as a family our gratitude for the shelter of your association and guidance in this material world. Otherwise, we are reminded of what it would be like to be reminiscent of an 18 month old baby we once saw in the rubble of an abandoned building near Vrindavan’s Sandipani Muni school, alone with no parent or adult in sight. Of course, she is in Vrindavan so Krsna will take special care of her but the image Is a reflection of our state without the chance mercy of your association in this material world. In a conversation with the Irish poet Desmond O’Grady, Prabhupada states we need sincerity to get the opportunity of protection. “Therefore God is called caittya-guru, the spiritual masterwithin the heart. And the physical spiritual master is God's mercy. If God sees that you are sincere, He will give you a spiritual master who can give you protection. He will help you from within and without---without in the physical form of spiritual master, and within as the spiritual master within the heart. īśvaraḥ sarva-bhūtānāṁ

hṛd-deśe 'rjuna tiṣṭhati

bhrāmāyān sarva-bhūtāni

yantrārūḍhāni māyayā

[Bg. 18.61]

"The Supreme Lord is situated in everyone's heart, O Arjuna, and is directing the wanderings of all living entities, who are seated as on a machine made of the material energy."

We pray to have the qualities that will help us be disciples that are not a burden and not take advantage of this rare opportunity to be a foolish follower of your and Srila Prabhupada’s divine example. 

Gurudev, we wanted to share with you that the newest member of our family is still unborn and 10 days past her 40 week due date. We pray that everything will be ok as we are scheduled to be induced tomorrow. We want to name her Sita and were hoping that you would bless her with a gift of her middle name.

HpS - ASA - She arrived O.K., no?? Sita Sundari??

We hope you have a wonderful Vyasa Puja. We hope to still follow your instruction of writing poems inspired by the SB and will share one soon!

HpS - Jaya! Kamagayatri and Murari write poems, and now they are read in all the homes. They tell of a pig who went to heaven, but had to return to punch down the bread he had leavened.

Aja wrote and drew a picture for his offering. It says: Thankyou for helping my family and doing everything you do. Hare Krsna.

Your servants,

Kamagayatri, Murari, Aja and Jahnavi

HpS - ASA - Jaya!!!! See you soon. Your success is guaranteed. Japa. Japa. Japa. For 16-rounds let let Radha be the Mommy.