Anually Report of Sadhana

6 years, 1 month ago by dolores lalita chavez in Personal Sadhana Reports


Hare Krsna Gurudeva:

This year I have tried to join to FMP as much as I can. Let´s say 50%. Japa 60% .

For your support and empowerment I have tried to follow your instructions, with enthusiasm, to buy flowers for deities, do some service at the kitchen and participate in preaching programs. As we did last October 24, 25 and 26 at the National Library of Lima, Peru.

I waited two years to attend this event with the expectation that my participation would be fine and, thanks to Krsna, you confirmed that I did. But all this effort has its reward in the distribution of the books of Prabhupada and Solaris magazine, with the help of devotees of Peru, which you so rightly lead with the aim of performing an academic sankirtan. I feel my service is so insignificant, but with your support it might count for Srila Prabhupada. Thank you so much

Your useless servant

Lalita Gopi DD

HpS - Thank you very much for your participation in Peru. Mexico in the events for Vyasa-puja, service to Radha Madan-gopal. I always remember hearing Prabhupada say during the recording of one lecture that, "The magic will not be done by you, nor me, nor and living being. The magic will be done by Krsna when we become pure devotees of Krsna!" Every day do you make progress? Make progress in conquering bad habits? You have done so much for Krsna. How can He forget you?