Update Kirtan 50

6 years ago by sarita108 in Personal Sadhana Reports

Hare Krishna Gurudev!

Please accept my humblest obeisances. All Glories to Srila Prabhupad!

A quick update- morning program is better again- not top notch but still getting there! Reading before bedtime and during breaks at work.

ASA - Super!

I just came back from Dallas from Kirtan 50 and had some nice association so that helped significantly. That’s been lacking in the DC temple but with mercy, I can keep it up.

HpS - 'daya bak' - That's all that is necessary. Take the mercy and 'keep it up'. All the Sun has to do is to 'keep it up', rise and walk every day. Adds us and then BOOM the magic happens.

 I’ve been focusing on sadhana and work and all else is on the backburner. No relationships, courtships to report. Just keeping faith that whatever Krishna decides is for the best. As always- you are right- we go forward, one way or another. I hope to keep this momentum going. I’m also trying to visit Vraj in March. Hopefully Vrinda devi lets us (mom and sister as well) in.

Lots of slips but always getting back up. Sometimes slowly -but surely.

Thank you for your mercy maharaj.

Your fallen [still attempting to be] servant,

Sugopi dd

HpS - ASA -- You are a fighter Sugopi DD. Just like your father's mother?? You get knocked down but you get back up and go ahead with your chain saw. Got any friends, victims, at work??? Thank you so much for your effort. Respects to Papa, Mama, sisters...