URGENT: News from iskcon chosica

His Holiness Hanumat Presaka Swami Maharaja

General Secretary of the North American Institute for Oriental and Classical Studies (NIOS)

Director of the Anjana Suta Academy (ASA)

Receive our respectful obeisances

All Glories to Srila Prabhupada

The Administrative Board of ISKCON Chosica in Peru, extends to you an official invitation so that you can live with us as Sannyasi resident of our temple during the years 2019, 2020 and 2021, according to your preaching program. For this purpose, we are renovating our residence of devotees, preparing for you, two independent rooms, one for your bedroom and one for your office. We can also provide you with the spaces and facilities that you consider necessary for your seva.

With regard to your plans and projects to work on our Yatra in Education, ecology and other projects, you will have our unconditional support.

We feel fortunate and blessed to have the opportunity to receive your association.

Your Servants

Administrative Board of ISKCON Chosica

Karuna Krishna das    Vice-President of ISKCON Chosica

Nitya Kinkari dd          Treasurer of ISKCON Chosica

HpS - Thank you very much. We plan to be in Peru in June and July for one month. We think you should develop the mentined space as a facility for any visiting Sannyasis or other Vaisnava preacher. We would like to keep a box there of things.

Are June and July good months to be visiting Peru??