Amado gurudeva

6 years, 1 month ago by miguel valenzuela in Personal Sadhana Reports

All glories to Srila A.C Baktivedanta Swami Prabhupada

All glories Ss hanumatpresaka Swami

Dear Guru Maharaja please accept my humble and respectful obeisances at your lotus feet, let some of this dust fall on your head your humble servant

HpS - If we get any from Srila Prabhupada we will pass it on!

Several events have happened since my last letter, for the mercy of Krsna at the beginning of the year my wife became pregnant, the pregnancy lasted only two months, the embryo did not develop and a heart never beat, we do not know Krsna's plans, my wife recovered

HpS - Srila Prabhupada wrote to Mahi-Bharata Das in a similar case that some times a Yogi has just a little bit of Karma to finish so Krsna let's him pass 2-months in the womb of a devotee, take Prasadam and then go to Goloka!

We have worked on what followed me in our last letter, adoration at home, a small morning program, offering food, some music and in the afternoon a small offering, my wife helped me a lot so that this can be done and my son he likes to play the cártalos, as well as to open and close the altar of the house, we continue in the temple on Sundays in my service, now I am in the pujarís room keeping the clothes of the deities and sleeping to Prabhupada on Sundays.

We continue in the bhakti sastri in line with mother Candramukhi devi das de Peru, we absent ourselves a little for lack of laskmi but we already resumed the course, we also studied the second initiation course with Prabhu jiva sakti das online every Saturday with the We finished in mid-October, we took a Jaya course with Prabhu Setukara Das as well as the baghavagita study guide.

Talk to mother Asta Sakti devi das about taking second initiation, we already have the temple recommendation letter

This year we are also studying a degree in business administration, online as well

We hope to serve you a little the smallest of all your humble servant Mandali Bhadra Das

HpS - Hare Krsna! We cannot remember you! Awk. We saw you in Mexico??? We have a rough memory of you but no details. Who are you? (Good question, no?)