A Shooting star on the blog

6 years ago by Piero Saavedra Torchio in Other

All glories to Srila Prabhupada

All glories to you Maharaja


Sorry Maharaja for don’t write to you before.

ASA - AGTSP. Sorry for not answer more quick!

I still in the temple, now with more responsibilities in the administrative subject, The service of the commandant of the temple are now distribute in three persons. I have more responsibilities in the way to administer the services of the temple. I don’t have the authority to rectify to the devotees, so two other devotees are see the problems with the different persons. Now, we have meeting all the weeks with the presidents and another day with the devotees, for see the necessities and health of us and to how improve the service.

I feel good, I feel happie, i still go to sankirtan to take more souls to Srila Prabhupada.

Now finished the process of the project “Cabildo Cuequero”, the capitulation process.

ASA - What is this??? Espanyol?

I’m Still live, chanting maha mantra, the nectar of devotion, All Glories to Srila Prabhupada. Thank you dearly master, I owe everything to you, you conect me to Srila Prabhupada and take me to Golokavrindavana.

Hare Krishna!

Pd: In a class you said that have you see a paint of Krishna that is very similar to syamasundara, can you send us please? I want to see Krishna!

HpS - Awk. Can't put it here but will put in our web-page for everyone to see: http://jayarama.us/archives/krsna-chin.jpg

Very best wishes with Commando en Temple. Our respects to everyone!!!!! Santiago will save the world!!!