Jaya Radhe!!
Esteemed Dr. Samaresh,
Good night (11.45PM for your good self, 12.15PM here). We have just sent a sample letter for Miguel to send to the Ambassador of India in Peru asking him to arrange for the presentation of your diploma from San Marcos University.
It seems that Manipur University is basically closed because of internal conflicts between the students and administration, the best place for presentation of the Diploma, release of Siksa-darsha, and a NIOS Education and the Sacred promotion would be in Kolkata with the Governor and specifically at the Asiatic Society.
Is correct?
Our current idea is to arrive in Kolkata from Pune, Delhi, on the 20th of February. Then we would stay until the 23rd when we would go to Mayapura.
Back from Mayapura and in Kolkata for the 7th - 12th of March, and possible again between 22nd and 25th, but seems more sane to go directly from Manipur to Mumbai so we can fly out from there in the 27th.
Again is sane schedule?
We got a letter from Purushottama kesava Das asking us to fix these dates so he could fix them with the Guest House in Albert Road and we answered with copy to you.
Dr. Vishnu Carana Das will be going to India the 4th of January so we can send a copy of Solaris to you through him.
We have mostly recovered from the stress of presenting the events in Peru and Chile and are now starting to reap the results. We have started communication with Patricia Llosa from the New York Metropolitan Museum of Art and co-founder of Carl Jung's Philemon Foundation in London and we will meet with our NIOS Treasurer on Sunday to start the work of sorting out the finances
The work in Mumbai, Pune, Delhi, Vraja, Imphal is moving ahead. Some places more than others, but still not really very clear to us.
It is only by the mercy of Guru, Krsna and A Few Good Men that we don't become discouraged.
We will call tomorrow at 8.30AM (7.45PM Kolkata time).
Your humble servant, HpSwami.