ter kadamba dd (malos aires)

6 years, 1 month ago by bhaktina teresa in Personal Sadhana Reports

ALGTSP and my obeisances to you gurudeva. How are you? my letter is to tell you that once a month with my mother and citrak das (our dear spiritual brother) we are doing a program in my house, class a little singing and prasadam. it's about sharing, contributing, and a lot of philosophy jejejeje but the most important thing is that we all feel good and sheltered, many devotees who do not go to the temple and try to inspire us again,

ASA - AGTSP. paoho. We are alive by the mercy of Srila Prabhupada and his disciples like you all! We want to be a part of your Sankirtan.

I must thank krsna for the mother I have and her strength , and thank citrak das for all their contribution and love to come to our home! please you could send us your blessings, I would be very happy. I hope you are well! You are always in my prayers. ter kadamba devi dasi.

HpS - God bless your program. May it change you and others. If Krsna wants may it grow and be on national television 24-hours a day!!

PD: We have an orchard at home, tomatoes, squash, lettuce, etc.

HpS - I hope we can show pictures soon so that we can see you garden. Do you make vegetable soups, Kitri, for Krsna??