Hare Krishna Beloved Gurudeva
Yesterday I saw brother sun and sister moon with my mom. I have seen that movie many times. But this time was different. I could understand many many things.
St Francis has a lot in common with our philosophy. I liked the part when He decided to go and talk with the Pope. One of his followers was murdered. St Francis started to question himself. Am I doing the right thing or not? He said
Moreover He went to a superior authority. And his questions were valid, he has no blind faith. As Bg 4.34 states
He also inquired if it is possible to follow Lord Jesus life stlye.
The pope was really honest, he said that he identify with St Francis, because as him he had lots of enthusiasm in the beginning of his faith. (UTSAHAN)
St Francis chanted the glories of the Lord on the streets (Harinam Sankirtan)
I remembered that U commented that U did not know better Christian than Srila Prabhupada
So I was womdering if it would be ok if I investigate or study more about St Francis. I want to enquire more about him. He enhances my bhava, my intelligence, my bhakti.
HpS - Seems fine to me. We want to know different people so we can take benefit of their knowledge of God and share our knowledge. Lot of work to do. You know this: https://www.catholic.org/encyclopedia/
The only thing that discourages me is that he was so simple, he dresses with ropes and I do not hahaha.
HpS - But then he formed a second estate for ladies. What are they called? The a third estate for Grhasthas.
Well that is it
Thank U Gurudeva
See U tomorrow FMP KI JAYA
Trying to be your disciple
Candramukhi dd
HpS -Thank you. I think Gandharva Das directing movies and all of else helping him will be great.