Jiva-Sakti dasa - Lima, Peru dec 2018

6 years, 3 months ago by Jiva-Sakti dasa in Personal Sadhana Reports

Hare Krsna dear Guru Maharaja

Please accept my humble obeisances. All glories to Srila Prabhupada.

Answering your questions, as I told you in your last visit here in Lima, I am working as secondary teacher -1st to 5th grade- on Art, Religion, Civics and Dance workshop. I am tutor too.

HpS - Aaha!!! Put in context, now we remember!

I organized the Art course, teaching Visual Arts for two months, Music -and Singing- two months, Dance two months and Theatre two months.

Also I arranged the Religion course, with the permission of my coordinator, to teach world and historic religions, in order that students repeat maha mantra Hare Krsna on the subject of "Hinduism", talking about vaisnava beliefs, practices and principles, Krsna pastimes in Vrndavana too.

HpS - Super!! Super news foe this Blog also!! Will he own his own school soon?

Civics on citizenship education, state, human rights, public affairs, public security, etc.

And Dance workshop, a very big dose of different rhythms.

At ISKCON Lima, teaching Introduction to Bhakti-Yoga Course, leading kirtana and lecturing on Bhagavad-Gita last sunday of every month. Since 2019 I will teach ISKCON Disciple Course, Bhakti-Sastri and IBYC too. And I want to reassume theatre service.

HpS - Aaaawk! Bhakti-sastri! Right now ISKCON Peru is not authorized to give the Bhakti-sastri Diplomas! Is big anxiety for us. Of course, Karuna-krsna Das is the ISKCON Peru Minister of Education and we hope that this can be worked out through him, no?

My wife Adi Lila performs offering and worship five days a week at noon in ISKCON Lima.

HpS - How far does she have to travel??

At home, Jagannatha-Baladeva-Subhadra ruling over. My son Krishna is 14 years old, on 8th grade in a Waldorf school, happy and inteligent, still living with his mother. He wants to be a photographer and travel around the world.

HpS - Is he in Patrak das' school?

Gurudeva, thank you very much for everything. Please forgive my offenses.

Your eternal servant,

Jiva-Sakti dasa.

HpS - Thank you! Let us work on the Menu for Vyasa-puja. We can contemplate on what to offer Lord Nrsmha Deva!