Happy Govardhana Puja. Pandaveya prsni Das.

6 years, 2 months ago by PABLOPARIKRAMA in Personal Sadhana Reports

Hare Krsna Gurudeva

Mis mas humildes reverencias a Sus pies.


Agt Guru and Gauranga.

I am Pandaveya prsni Das

I'm no longer in Nueva Vrajamandala, I'm finishing a basic paramedic course that I started two years ago and I have to finish this year, and order work and family matters. I am traveling now.

HpS - Paramedic! Aparece bueno!

My devotional life is going well thanks to Your mercy. I do not know why but I've had many realizations. Thank you.

I stand up to the Brahma-muhurta, who especially at this time is not very early, 6:15, then I hope it continues like this.

Especially happy Kartika Gurudeva. In the end I could not go to India or South America, I had to postpone it.

I always take you on my way, and I am very happy that you initiated me, I hope this is just the beginning of a great journey together, Gurudeva.

I remember you, from the parikrama of Vrndavan, Govardhana, the earth and its color, and I always there ...

Thank you so much for everything.

Your disqualified servant, Pandaveya prsni Das.


P.D.: Now i am not doing any work at Vedabase because I am travelling, and internet problems, but I will try...just I have seen the letter of Prahlada.

 The smell of wet stone drying

Burned herbs and wood


 Dry and cold soil. Hard. Stone.

Smell to living room


And street air

 Hitting wind

Water that sounds

Background music

Outdoors outside

 I meditate

I associate

Earth smell of moss

A burnt spices

and manure burning


And jumps with blows to the chest


That sinks us into a well

Full of light

And space


Where are my friends?

Why is this earth presented in forms that are created and lost before my eyes, without meaning?

When will the sun rise in each atom, and there will be only one vision?

HpS - http://factsanddetails.com/china/cat2/4sub9/entry-5436.html

Create the Vraja atmosphere and you may see Krsna with His friends passing by. Wave and say, "Hi!".

More news! Hope you meet many nice people and induce them to read and preach, Light of the Bhagavata!!