Tom Brown, The Immortal, here!
Piggy: Are you sure?
TB: Well, Brother Ass's teeth, eyes, lungs, ears, knees and memory are going but HpS is really learning to chant from a more deep basis. Hare Krsna!
Piggy: What have you done today?
TB: We finished about five letters between us and Atul-k Das and Bala-gov Das and there will be a coloquia on Phil. of Sastric Education in ISKCON at Pune Feb 4-9 and HpS will probably go to Govardhana Eco Village (GEV) to stay with Gauranga Das and the B'caris to see their program and smell cows.
- Working with the 5,000 devotees here for Art and the Sacred.
- GBC administration work for Arrequipa propertys.
- Did NIOS accounts with Abbhaya.
- Answered letters from Dr. Samaresh.
- Honored one banana, one mango, cup of yogurt and pnut butter and bowl of vegetable soup!
- Now we prepare for BG class tonight!
Piggy: Let us die a happy death. Hare Krsna, Hare Rama.