second initiation

6 years, 5 months ago by nara narayana rsi das in Personal Sadhana Reports

All Glories to Sri Sri Gaura Nitay
All Glories to Srila Prabhupada
All Glories to you Gurudeva

Dear Gurudeva, here nara narayana rsi das from Cordoba Argentina, son of Ambrta japa dd. I hope you are very well .
These years were very good in my life I went to India for the first time, vrindavan and mayapur, I studied
canto1 of the Srimad Bhagavatam in the course BV and the association with the devotees remains continuous.

Today with 32 years old I have a new challenge. I feel the weight of society and the need for money to live in it, and the need to look for a job and not finding it because of not having the skills and experiences requested. It is a bit discouraging. So now I'll be starting in the
university a 2 year course to learn how to program computers for this job search in this social insertion
a little easier, I ask for your blessings at this stage, I wish to be useful for Krishna and his devotees, and of course for you.

Now I am living with my mother for a time after 7 years of living in temples and Vaishnava communities of ISKCON, my intention is
prepare myself academically in computer programming to be able to work and also serve from here in the different  projects
ISKCON has in Argentina, Brazil and Spain.

Guru Maharaja I want to ask for the second initiation, some years ago I am preparing for this moment this new stage. I have
recommendations and requirements of ISKCON.
Because I want to take second initiation?

First of all, I do not want to die without this step... Some years ago I studied about the execution of Yajñas and I would like to enter more with the mula mantras and to help with this form in the yatra of Cordoba these coming years. I have prepared myself for worship to the deity in general and cooking for them already for many years and I would also like to sing the gayatri mantra.
I heard that you will go to Chile soon, could this be an opportunity to take initiation?

Again, i hope you are very well

Hoping to be a good servant.

nara narayana rsi das

HpS - Jaya.   So nice to hear from you.   We remember seeing all of you in the house of Madhavendra Puri Das.  How is you good Mother and everyone?    Have you take the Disciple's Course. It is a requirement from Second Initiation. Also, you need recomendation from ISKCON Temple President or other such person. Then you can read our ideas about Second Initiation at:
