Continúe in contact

6 years, 3 months ago by Bhacktamarcos in Personal Sadhana Reports

Hari bol ,dear gurudeve

I hope you are ok , it is being 5 months since we talked last time and i know you had been in Spain recently, i would have liked to  see you, but i felt that it was to stole your time, becouse i want to be iniceated by you and i have been without singing the rounds since june. In any case i want to continúe in contact with  you becouse i dont lost the hope of being some day iniceated by you.

Thanks you

HpS - ASA --- AGTSP.  It is very nice to hear from you. Desculpa nuestra demurra de responder tambien. Todas las glorias a Sri Sri Gaura Nitai. Fija un voto de un cuantidad de rondas de Maha-mantra lo cual Vd. conoce puede cumplir cada dia para .... dos semanas... y LO HACE.   Despues considerar el resultado y toma otro voto. Por ejemplo, '4-rondas cada dia hast fin de Octubre'.

Esperamos oir los resultados.