DTC 11(Tu)

6 years, 4 months ago by hps in DTC



It is the last day in The Old Country, Spain, Madrid. We are packing everything for our long journey tomorrow: 19-hours from door to door.   We plan to do all of the Bhakti-sastri examination review. Catch up on the last rounds we got behind during our fever in Boise.

Enlist the interestnig people Krsna sends in the Sankirtan of Nitai Chaitanya-candra and ISKCON.

Tonight we have a Nectar of Instruction seminar. First one was last night, 2-hours (after 1-1/2 hour GBC meeting (after one hour television interview (after...))))))>   Just go on preaching and it will become systematic.   With NOI as a basis we can sense the level of the audience and select the Texts.  Last night was 90% just the Preface ie. Historical and currently cultural aspect.

Thank you Chandra mukhi Devi Das, Abhirama thakura Das, Gadai, Karuna krsna, Jiva, Radhika.......