Forgive me for not answering your questions

6 years, 2 months ago by stopngo in Personal Sadhana Reports


please accept my humble obeisances.

I don't feel this a urgent conditioned of an emergency, you have a army of people to instruct and I have minor issues.

Questions I didn't answer in prior letter.

Who do you meet in your daily life?

My co workers are vary considerate and make sure I'm well taken care of.i look at them as devotees who aren't following the regs.its a good environment,it wasn't always this good, I'm either in complete Maya or krsna maintains me well.

Where do you domicite.

I live in the city in a vary good place near Puget sound so I get good views,air, affordable housing,etc.

You're question,looks like your ready for devotional life?

Since I've decided that I need you as a guru everything has become better,my interactions with people and spiritual life,my rounds,my preaching etc.i've feel it's because I'm getting closer to the source.i only see this getting better.

Of the test will come and pray that I'll survive

Let's see if I can post.

Ys mj

HpS - Hare Krsna. After months of travel, as explained the Kapi Dhvaja, we finally are catching up on mail. You got another letter. We look at it also. Please write again!