I see my letter wasn't posted

6 years, 6 months ago by stopngo in Personal Sadhana Reports

All glories to hh hunmatpresaka before I ramble on.these are somethings you requested.

Ys mj

HpS - Hare Krsna. We are in Boise with very bad fever in our divine body, buddy. It is purifying. Thank you Krsna.   Thank you for the notice about disciples course!      Seems you are like 97.335% ready for initiation.  As we mentioned in the Kapi Dhvaja and even in the DTCs here, while traveling it is too hard for us to answer all the letters. We have too many dialogs with people in transit, so unless you put, "URGENT" in the Title field it may slip past our radar.  Thank you.

Waiting for any URGENT news.