Hare Krsna.
Kolaveca Sridhar Das is waiting at the door. We will pick up 5 more devotees and drive to Cupertina, about 45-minutes from here. Evening program.
We edited Rathyatra Prayers of Lord Caitanya into one file for tonight. We just uploaded it to Jayarama.us. Look in the Archives. Then in the folder, "ABC Year".
Our life is PACKED. We are keeping healthy at heart, but of course, so much stress traveling, preaching. We are talking with tons of devotees daily. Here in San Jose, with Vaisesika Das, Srivasa pandita, Balimardana, Ananadavrndavana, Balarama, Abhaya, Sridhar Das, Dasi..
Last night Harinama Sankrtan in Palo Alto. Stanford it there and the Harinama is on main street full of interesting shops, restaurants, clubs, cinemas... SUper cultural. People have PhDs left and right. Vais. has organized lights, videos, meditation tent.... So much preaching.
We are looking toward, Rathayatra tomorrow, Boise, Spain, Peru . . . Chile.
Again. We try to answer mail, but traveling it seems only secure we can get to this letters labele, URGENT.