urgent(?) Update from Dhruva, Art and Sacred Australia

6 years, 6 months ago by Dhruvānanda DAS in Special Category A

Dear Maharaja,

pamho agtsp

Apologies for not replying earlier to your last reply. We received immediately and took note of the contents, but have been slow to reply. I declined the speaking invitation on your behalf. No issues there at all. We look forward to doing what we can to assist once your calendar is set.

HpS - Any attention from you all is wonderful.    We are waiting until 20th August for Bhag bazaar Gaudiya Matha to make any final decision on the symposium at the end of November, but really looks like it will not happen.  Then we are thinking of coming to India from 15 January to 30 March. O.K.??

We have had a challenging few weeks. My better half, Dhanesvari DD, has spent time in hospital and has been on a lot of antibiotics for a mother related health issue. Thank Krishna we have reached stability again now and her health has improved.

HpS - All this is education from Krsna. If we are 16/4 then Krsna can arrange everything!  Hope she benefited very well.

I am currently working on several essays for university. Oh, I didn’t tell you yet.  I transferred into a philosophy/theology degree. There are two main reasons for this. The first being that the amount of austerity required to complete the computer science degree I was enrolled in (too much general IT stuff) was not justifiable considering the role I have in the sankirtan movement and in career also (which to me is the same thing), the role as an educator.

ASA - That sure seems O.K. to us!

The second, and more deeply rooted reason, being somehow I have cursed myself to approach Krishna through jnana-mishra-bhakti. This is obviously a result of my impersonalism towards Krishna. Anyway, one essay I am currently working on is challenging John Paul Sartre’s 'Nothingness’ that is consciousness, which his whole materialistic existentialism is built upon and which he denies, without good argument, has any non-material foundation or any links to God. I will point out that it’s still a dualism and calling something ‘nothing’ simply shows you don’t understand it. I will present this in a concealed, detached and “academic” way of course. Another essay I am working on is an investigation into Socrates’ relationship with his daemon, his inner voice, his conscience or even possibly the paramatma, who was his guide in his decision making and without whom, according to Plato, Socrates would not have become Socrates.

ASA - Wow!

Although the aforementioned writing tasks are taking my attention, my wife and I are still enthusitaicglly working on the Sacred Art of Indigenous Australians article for Solaris and the presentation for October. We will forward the article to Sriman Abhirama Prabhu on completion. I will most certainly incorporate the Bhagavatam verse you kindly forwarded. https://www.vedabase.com/en/sb/8/5/33

Hope this meets you in good health.

We are chanting Hare Krishna and meditation on how to serve better.

We look forward to hearing from you.

Dhruvananda D

Dhanesvari DD

HpS - And the kids and mothers and fathers and....    !       We are working to assemble Solaris so an article by the end of this month for the magazine is great. Not the finished presentation. Just a presentation of your results so far and where your investigation is taking youi.